10/MAR/15 Report

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ORCA DIGITAL NET, Report 10/Mar/15

Check-ins: 9
Traffic: 6

KB6NN Howard in&out
WB6NBG Don Humboldt Bulletin with station info, 100% +flmsg
KW6JIM Jim T 100% +flmsg
KE6NVU Paul T 100% +flmsg
NX6D David T 100% +flmsg
KI6RIT Nick kbd 100%
W7ZAP Mindy T 100% +flmsg
KE6SLS Jaye kbd 100%

Although there was some fading tonight, communications were good and everyone was copying near 100%. Digital check-in went really well. Last week was an unfortunate start to digital check-in with my station declining to encode/decode. Tonight’s net went smoothly and I think it will continue to improve. I had four check-ins before starting the net; that saved some time during roll-call and listing. I hope I didn’t miss any late arriving stations. If I did, please tell me next week. I’m trying to leave enough time between transmissions for check-ins.

Howard KB6NN suggested tonight’s check-in routine. I couldn’t go far wrong; he sent me a scenario of what we would all say. Good suggestion, Howard, it worked well. It looks best to open check-in a few minutes prior to net and just call the regular members during roll-call. After the regulars, I’ll make an open call to all. Remember, when printing your callsign on the waterfall, you can use any unoccupied area in the passband. I can see them either side of 1500.

I see the macros have been confusing. No wonder. The current version of fldigi doesn’t yet support the new tags. A Beta version, ending in .06 is available at: http://orcadigitalnet.com/.

The macros I use for the net may not work perfectly if your fldigi is not configured exactly as mine. I’m working on simpler versions of the check-in macros that should work on more universally.

I trimmed our Preamble to reduce transmit time. It’s now around 2min. I plan to send an Announcement message after the rotation list. Rather than asking each station for comments on announcements, I’ll make a general call and move on to traffic rotation.

Good to have Nick KI6RIT back. He spent today hiking. We can help him activate when he does a SOTA mountain top. Jaye KE6SLS dropped by just before closing. He too had a good suggestion: a call for late and visiting stations prior to closing. I’ve been working on the net outline most of today and a call before closing. I did remember to leave sufficient time between transmissions to pop in a callsign. I’m thinking to run along a couple more nets while we refine check-in and announcements and then we can experiment with other modes or apps, as you like.

Speaking of closing the net, I think some Ops may occasionally want to leave early. Please notify NCS when you leave so we don’t waste time looking for you. You can say, ‘73’ after your traffic, or during comments. I’ll watch for this and keep the log in order. It’s easier for me to keep my end together when I know who’s here and who’s not. We also lose stations when the band changes and they can’t hear us either.

I hope you noticed the header in Don’s WA6NBG ICS-213 Humboldt Bulletin. He added his power setting and antenna info to the ‘Position’ field. I’m always interested in how much power everyone is using and their equipment and antenna. And, thanks to Paul KE6NVU for sweeping 3.955 for left-behind stations this week and last. He didn’t find anyone either time. We can stop checking.

Thanks to each of you for helping make the net easier to run. ORCA is a bit more demanding than some, but we’re really learning to operate quickly and smoothly. We’ve really learned a lot by working together.

Tonight, we really ran smoothly: the result of each Operator knowing their equipment and protocols, paying attention, and flowing with the net. Choreographed, almost!

I’m always interested in your thoughts and suggestions. Hope to see you all next week. 73 Doug K7KY NCS

————- Net Log ————-

ALL ORCA de K7KY All three Howard, Jim, Don callsigns print clearly and easy to read… cu soon..< K7KY k ALL ORCA For check-in, you can print them anywhere in the passband... 73 < K7KY k Before RSID: <<2015-03-11T02:09Z MFSK-32 @ 3595000+1500>>

Smaller font as per Howard’s suggestion.


WA6NBG de K7KY FB small is easier to read on WF < K7KY k Before RSID: <<2015-03-11T02:10Z MFSK-32 @ 3595000+1500>>

We will leave it there…










Before RSID: <<2015-03-11T02:19Z MFSK-32 @ 3595000+1493>>

Before RSID: <<2015-03-11T02:19Z MFSK-32 @ 3595000+1502>>

This is a test… How copy, Don? And Doug id you’re still there.


Before RSID: <<2015-03-11T02:20Z MFSK-32 @ 3595000+1501>>

Looks good … de WA6NBG

Before RSID: <<2015-03-11T02:20Z MFSK-32 @ 3595000+1505>>

Copy that! Hi Doug…


KW6JIM de K7KY GE Jim.. callsign print looks good. You can print it anywhere in the passband. I have you,

Don, Mindy, & HOward checked in. Howard may not stay tonight… cu< K7KY k Before RSID: <<2015-03-11T02:22Z MFSK-32 @ 3595000+1500>>

Sounds great. I am going to leave it on. I dont have a macro for it, so it will just be there.


Before RSID: <<2015-03-11T02:25Z MFSK-32 @ 3595000+1504>>


How do I send the call and then have the xmit cut right off?


KW6JIM de K7KY Jim.. I’ll have to tell you after net. I can do it, but not explain so quickly. it’s

easy…< K7KY k ALL ORCA de K7KY ORCA DIGITAL NET, Check-ins: WB6NBG Don T KW6JIM Jim T KB6NN Howard T KE6NVU Paul T W7ZAP Mindy < K7KY k Before RSID: <<2015-03-11T02:26Z MFSK-32 @ 3595000+1500>>

Hello All.






KB6NN Howard in & out


NX6D Dave T

W7ZAP Mindy

< K7KY k ALL ORCA de K7KY I've spend a few hours getting ready for tonight. I think it will go OK... < K7KY k QST & WELCOME to the ORCA DIGITAL NET. Doug K7KY NCS, in Brookings,OR. This net meets every Tuesday at 1930p here on 3.595 USB. Software: FLDIGI, FLMSG, & FLAMP. Mode: MFSK-32 @ 1500. Other modes and bands depending on conditions. Alternate digital freq: 7.122 USB. Occasional voice freq's: 3.955 & 7.200. The ORCA DIGITAL NET is dedicated to learning digital operating skills and practicing digital traffic handling. The net connects Amateur Operators with mutual interest in training, information-sharing, and support. This is a DIRECTED Roundtable Net. Please answer roll-call with your CALLSIGN. (check-in), Stations not called, please come now. (finish check-in) Stand by while NCS organizes the transmit rotation message. NCS will send two files: rotation list, and announcements NCS transmits Station Rotation list NCS transmits net announcements One brief round of comments or questions NCS calls the first transmitting station & all stations in order (keyboard or send traffic). Before sending, please LOCK fldigi @ 1500, enable RxID, TxID, & AFC. A round (or more) of fills, reception reports, comments, questions, follows the traffic round CLOSE ORCA DIGITAL NET: send closing announcement (Stations may remain on frequency for further practice, experimenting, etc or QSY to voice) de K7KY \ALL ORCA de K7KY the following stations are already checked in: WB6NBG Don T KW6JIM Jim T KB6NN Howard in & out KE6NVU Paul T NX6D Dave T W7ZAP Mindy T Roll call follows...< K7KY k KJ6UPE ? < K7KY k KJ6WDL ? < K7KY k W6IES ? < K7KY k KR5RR ? < K7KY k 7KEV ? < K7KY k Any other stations, please come now..< K7KY k ALL ORCA Well, this seems too easy... Please stand by a moment..< K7KY k

… start

[WRAP:beg][WRAP:lf][WRAP:fn roster10mar15.b2s]2.0.8


K7KY 20151103023730


K7KY 20151003231418


ORCA DIGITAL NET, Rotation Order

ORCA DIGITAL NET, Rotation order




NX6D Dave T

W7ZAP Mindy T

Next comes Announcements

[WRAP:chksum 3F90][WRAP:end]

… end

ORCA DIGITAL NET, Announcements & Comments, 10/Mar/15

We’re trying Howard’s KB6NN suggestion for digital check-in. Be patient. You’re comments and suggestions are


Thanks for checking out the macros. I’m a bit ahead of myself as they are not yet supported in the current

version of fldigi. I’ll revisit our macros and try to make them easier to understand.

I’d like to close the net after a round or two of comments so we can release those ready to go. All are welcome

to remain after net-closing to QSO, experiment, etc. Or, QSY to voice.

We usually have a nice mix of short/long messages, mostly interesting to the net. We appreciate messages of

current or general interest to radio operators, but other topics are also welcome. We’re always interested in

your station and antennas, solutions to common digital problems, tips, workarounds, etc. ORCA is a digital

traffic net. No political or religious messages, please.

Next, a brief round for comments and questions. K7KY NCS

WA6NBG de K7KY Over to you for comments, Don..< K7KY k Before RSID: <<2015-03-11T02:40Z MFSK-32 @ 3595000+1500>>

Good evening all. nothing to report … Back to net control


ALL ORCA de K7KY Maybe this isn’t such a good idea. I was thinking people would want to question or comment

after announcments, but maybe not. I’ll just make an open call for comments after announcments and we’ll try

not to double… anyone want to comment before we begin traffic? come now.< K7KY Before RSID: <<2015-03-11T02:42Z MFSK-32 @ 3595000+1500>>

Before RSID: <<2015-03-11T02:43Z MFSK-32 @ 3595000+1506>>

KI6RIT de K7KY GE Nick… Nice to see you. You will be in rotation after NX6D Do

you have traffic? < K7KY k tp*o0o fL } Before RSID: <<2015-03-11T02:44Z MFSK-32 @ 3595000+1500>>

No traffic. Just got back from a ~3.5 mi hike, I’m wiped!

de KI6RIT k

Before RSID: <<2015-03-11T02:44Z MFSK-32 @ 3595000+1501>>

6KI6RIT de K7KY OK Nick… I’ll put you in for kbd and you can say something about the hike if

you like…< K7KY k WA6NBG de K7KY OK Don.. we're ready for your bulletin.. de K7KY k Before RSID: <<2015-03-11T02:45Z MFSK-32 @ 3595000+1500>>

… start

[WRAP:beg][WRAP:lf][WRAP:fn WA6NBG-1.213]1.1.32


WA6NBG 20151103024534


WA6NBG 20151103022426

:to:27 Eureka Emergency Net & ORCA

:p1:36 Tx 30 Watts into endfeed 180 ft wire

:fm:10 Don WA6NBG

:d1:10 2015-03-09

:t1:5 1506L

:sb:26 Bulletins and Annoucements

:s1:23 Donald O. Nelson WA6NBG

:mg:779 Bulletins and Annoucements for March 9th.

Technician Class Amateur Radio class starts Tonight. This class will be held on Monday nights at the Eureka

downtown fire station. Exam will be April 18th in Eureka after the 10 week long class.

This Saturday, the Humboldt Amateur Radio Club will be at the Bayshore Mall. If you would like to talk up

Amateur Radio to the public, contact Peter, W6IES.

Tsunami Week, March 22nd through March 28. Humboldt EmComm will activate OES station from 10:00am til’ 11:30am

on Wednesday the 25th. Listen to Far West around 11:00am for check-ins.

Please send any bulletins or announcements for the Eureka Emergency VHF Net to donelsonsteam@gmail.com or via

Packet to WA6NBG @ W6ZZK-1 on 145.050 MHz.

This ends the digital message for March 9th.

[WRAP:chksum C6BC][WRAP:end]

… end

KW6JIM de K7KY OK JIm go with your traffic… de K7KY k

Before RSID: <<2015-03-11T02:48Z MFSK-32 @ 3595000+1500>>

… start

[WRAP:beg][WRAP:lf][WRAP:fn KW6JIM-12.213]1.1.32


KW6JIM 20151103024815


KW6JIM 20151103024512

:to:8 ORCA Net

:fm:6 KW6JIM

:d1:10 2015-03-10

:t1:5 1933L

:sb:23 Interesting Documentary

:s1:6 KW6JIM

:p3:10 Eureka, Ca


James Brooks, 9V1YC, has made available a video about the amateur radio World Radiosport Team Championship


The World Radiosport Team Championship better known as WRTC is a competition between two-person teams of

amateur radio operators testing their skills to make contacts with other Amateur Radio operators around the

world over a 24 hour period. Unlike most on-the-air competitions, all stations are required to use identical

antennas from the same geographic region, eliminating all variables except operating ability.

[WRAP:chksum 3DCC][WRAP:end]

… end

KE6NVU de K7KY Up to you Paul after your traffic, please say if you found anyone @ 3.955 de K7KY k

Before RSID: <<2015-03-11T02:50Z MFSK-32 @ 3595000+1500>>

… start

[WRAP:beg][WRAP:lf][WRAP:fn ke6nvu-19.213]1.1.33


ke6nvu 20151103025042


ke6nvu 20151103025042

:to:4 orca

:p1:10 west coast

:fm:6 ke6nvu

:p2:8 brookins

:d1:10 2015-03-11

:t1:9 01:15 UTC

:sb:6 joke??

:mg:66 if flying is so safe, why do they call the airport, the terminal?

[WRAP:chksum 3C26][WRAP:end]

… end

NX6D de K7KY Up to you David, Kbd or traffic as you like… de K7KY k RpszeRR f

I’m now running the 3.22.05 version of FLDIGI. Is this the version that has the enhanced macros that you’vetalked about? I have one FLMSG to send.

Message follows immediately, separate transmission:

… start

[WRAP:beg][WRAP:lf][WRAP:fn NX6D-6.p2s]2.0.8


NX6D 20151103025245


NX6D 20151103025245

<p>:tt:24 MDARC Radio Skills Class</p> <p>:to:4 ORCA</p> <p>:fm:4 NX6D</p> <p>:mg:886 The Salvation Army together with the Mt. Diablo Amateur Radio Club will be holding Auxiliary training</p> <p>courses to enhance your Amateur and Emergency Radio skills.</p> <p>Courses are </p> <p>7-9 pm</p> <p>The Salvation Army</p> <p>3950 Clayton Road, (at West St.)</p> <p>Concord 94521</p> <p>Wednesdays</p> <p> April 1-29 Morse Code/ CW</p> <p>Thursdays</p> <p> April 2 Portable Operations</p> <p> April 16 Echolink/IRLP</p> <p> May 7 ICS 100</p> <p> May 14 Public Service Com</p> <p> May 21 ICS 200</p> <p> May 28 ICS Management for Hams</p> <p> June 25 Buddipole Basics</p> <p>Registration is required.</p> <p>Class is FREE but there is a $5 materials and room fee </p> <p>To sign up email: RadioSkillsClass@gmail.com</p> <p>&#8212;&#8212;&#8212;&#8212;&#8212;&#8212;&#8212;&#8212;&#8212;&#8212;&#8212;&#8212;&#8212;&#8212;&#8212;&#8212;&#8212;&#8212;&#8212;&#8212;&#8212;&#8212;&#8211;</p> <p>ARRL East Bay Section</p> <p>Section Manager: James R Latham, AF6AQ</p> <p>af6aq@arrl.org</p> [WRAP:chksum 82D2][WRAP:end] <p>&#8230; end</p> <p>NX6D de K7KY k the new macNX6D NX6D de K7KY the new macros do not work in .05 The Beta version, .06</p> <p>supports the macros and is available at the website under MACROS Over to Nick KI6RIT&#8230; de K7KY k</p> <p>Before RSID: <<2015-03-11T02:57Z MFSK-32 @ 3595000+1500>></p> <p>K7KY &#8211; 100% copy, excellent signal</p> <p>WA6NBG &#8211; 100% copy, excellent signal</p> <p>KW6JIM &#8211; 100% copy, good signal with a little fade</p> <p>KE6NVU &#8211; 100% copy, excellent signal</p> <p>NX6D &#8211; 100% copy, excellent signal</p> <p>Today I hiked all of the major trails at Low Gap Park, in Ukiah. I started with the fitness course trail, then</p> <p>cut up the hill to the Canyon Creek trail, then merged over to the City View trail. I didn&#8217;t use a pedometer or</p> <p>track it via GPS, but my estimate is about 3.5 miles. It was quite hilly, but excellent v )o riivpae I plan on </p> <p>makitN&#8221;t:s f!ttP !ter work, so iZo </p> <p>Before RSID: <<2015-03-11T02:58Z MFSK-32 @ 3595000+1484>> *DOUBLE*</p> <p>found no one on 3.955 100% copy all stations kke6nvu</p> <p>de KE6NVU k</p> <p>KI6RIT de K7KY Thanks Nick&#8230; NVU transmitted in there too&#8230;. sounds like you&#8217;re getting close to SOTA</p> <p>work? </p> <p>OK over to Mindy W7ZAP for traffic&#8230; de K7KY k </p> <p>Before RSID: <<2015-03-11T02:59Z MFSK-32 @ 3595000+1500>></p> <p>&#8230; start</p> [WRAP:beg][WRAP:lf][WRAP:fn 10mar15.213]<flmsg>2.0.6</p> <p>:hdr_fm:21 </p> <p>W7ZAP 20151103025930</p> <p>:hdr_ed:21 </p> <p>W7ZAP 20151003193213</p> <p><ics213></p> <p>:to:16 ORCA DIGITAL NET</p> <p>:p1:22 25w 120&#8242; doublet @ 65&#8242;</p> <p>:fm:11 Mindy W7ZAP</p> <p>:p2:13 Brookings, OR</p> <p>:d1:10 2015-03-10</p> <p>:t1:5 1230L</p> <p>:sb:45 Upcoming Digital Contests (March 14-15, 2015)</p> <p>:mg:962 </p> <p>All Africa International DX Contest: 1200Z, Mar 14 to 1200Z, Mar 15</p> <p>Modes: CW, SSB, RTTY</p> <p>Bands: 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10m</p> <p>Rules: http://www.sarl.org.za/Document_Store/CONT_20150101_SARL_Contest_Manual_2015.pdf</p> <p>Louisiana QSO Party: 1400Z, Mar 14 to 0200Z, Mar 15</p> <p>Modes: CW/Digital, Phone</p> <p>Bands: 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10, 6, 2m</p> <p>Rules: http://laqp.louisianacontestclub.org/laqso_rules.htm</p> <p>EA PSK63 Contest: 1600Z, Mar 14 to 1600Z, Mar 15</p> <p>Modes: PSK63</p> <p>Bands: 80, 40, 20, 15, 10m</p> <p>Rules: http://concursos.ure.es/en/eapsk63/bases/</p> <p>QCWA QSO Party: 1800Z, Mar 14 to 1800Z, Mar 15</p> <p>Modes: CW/Digital, Phone</p> <p>Bands: 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10, 6m</p> <p>Rules: http://www.qcwa.org/2015-qso-party-rules.pdf</p> <p>Idaho QSO Party: 1900Z, Mar 14 to 1900Z, Mar 15</p> <p>Modes: CW, Phone, Digital</p> <p>Bands: 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10m</p> <p>Rules: http://idahoarrl.info/qsoparty/rules.htm</p> <p>North American Sprint, RTTY: 0000Z-0400Z, Mar 15</p> <p>Modes: RTTY</p> <p>Bands: 80, 40, 20m</p> <p>Rules: http://ncjweb.com/Sprint-Rules.pdf</p> [WRAP:chksum D075][WRAP:end] <p>&#8230; end</p> <p>ALL ORCA de K7KY </p> <p>Reception Report</p> <p>WB6NBG Don Humboldt Bulletin &#038; station info, 100% +flmsg</p> <p>KW6JIM Jim T 100% +flmsg</p> <p>KE6NVU Paul T 100% +flmsg</p> <p>NX6D David T 100% +flmsg</p> <p>KI6RIT Nick T 100%</p> <p>W7ZAP Mindy T 100% +flmsg</p> <p>K7KY Doug NCS</p> <p>Don WA6NBG added his station info to the ICS-213 header. It&#8217;s easy to find and really useful. Tnx Don..</p> <p>Well, the net has gone along pretty smoothly tonight. Better than I hoped. Now, we&#8217;ll take a round of</p> <p>comments and questions beginning at the top with WA6NBG de K7KY k </p> <p>Before RSID: <<2015-03-11T03:04Z MFSK-32 @ 3595000+1500>>Reception report from WA6NBG</p> <p>WB6NBG Don T</p> <p>KW6JIM 100% &#038; FLMSG</p> <p>KE6NVU 100% &#038; FLMSG</p> <p>NX6D 100% &#038; FLMSG</p> <p>KI6RIT 95%</p> <p>W7ZAP 99% &#038; FLMSG with QSB</p> <p>K7KY 100%</p> <p>No other comments.</p> <p>de WA6NBG</p> <p>KW6JIM de K7KY Up to you Jim&#8230; de K7KY k </p> <p>Before RSID: <<2015-03-11T03:05Z MFSK-32 @ 3595000+1500>></p> <p>Good Evening All! I like the new net format! I think a roll-call check-in and then comments at the end it a </p> <p>great idea. Smooth and simple.</p> <p>WA6NBG 100% + All </p> <p>KE6NVU Missed the start of the header. Received content, but nothing opened.</p> <p>NX6D 100% + All </p> <p>KI6RIT Copied keyboard. If you activate SOTA summits, I&#8217;ll be chasing you!</p> <p>W7ZAP 100% + All. Great message&#8230; Thx for the info!</p> <p>K7KY 100%</p> <p>de KW6JIM </p> <p>NX6D David. I think Paul has left, up to you&#8230; de K7KY k</p> <p>Before RSID: <<2015-03-11T03:06Z MFSK-32 @ 3595000+1500>></p> <p>I will be absent next week. Should be back the following week.</p> <p>You may be interested to know that during Mindy&#8217;s transmission, which was the faintest I received tonight, I</p> <p>was able to switch from one antenna to another, saw a major drop in signal strength, but the decoder did not</p> <p>miss a beat.</p> <p>Copied all messages, 100%. No funnies, faults or failures.</p> <p>Tranmitting 50 watts tonight.</p> <p>BTN de NX6D</p> <p>KI6RIT Anything further, Nick? de K7KY k Oaho0y A</p> <p>Before RSID: <<2015-03-11T03:07Z MFSK-32 @ 3595000+1500>></p> <p>I got W7ZAP&#8217;s message fine, even with a relatively weak signal (~0 dB SNR in fldigi) and me messing around with</p> <p>the RX knob on the SignaLink. Most of the other signals were 9-14 dB.</p> <p>de KI6RIT k</p> <p>Before RSID: <<2015-03-11T03:08Z MFSK-32 @ 3595000+1506>></p> <p>W7ZAP OK Mindy.. ur last tonight, but not least&#8230;. de K7KY k </p> <p>Before RSID: <<2015-03-11T03:08Z MFSK-32 @ 3595000+1500>></p> <p>W7ZAP copied the following stations:</p> <p>K7KY 100% copy + FLMSG</p> <p>WA6NBG 100% copy + FLMSG (Tnx for station info &#8211; always good to know)</p> <p>KW6JIM 100% copy + FLMSG (I&#8217;ll look for video online &#8211; tnx!)</p> <p>KE6NVU 100% copy + FLMSG (ha! good question)</p> <p>NX6D 100% copy + FLMSG (amateurs busy in East Bay &#8211; interesting about my signal. I turned up my TX on signalink</p> <p>)</p> <p>KI6RIT 95% keyboard copy (NVU doubled &#8211; nice hike report)</p> <p>Much smoother net tonight. Helps to have equipment working right and not be sick. And yes, I echo JIM&#8217;s</p> <p>thoughts, much better format for the net. Nice job Doug!</p> <p>73,</p> <p>Mindy W7ZAP K</p> <p>ALL ORCA de K7KY Thanks to everyone who took the trouble to configure their fldigi to present callsigns. it</p> <p>really made check-in easier and it would make a bigger difference if we have more stations. </p> <p>Does anyone want to send another message or comment? please come now. de K7KY k </p> <p>Before RSID: <<2015-03-11T03:11Z MFSK-32 @ 3595000+1500>></p> <p>k7ky de ke6sls</p> <p>Hi Doug, I am late, missed Jim&#8217;s video info and will hope for catching up on that one!</p> <p>anyway, had a dandy dinner and feel much mo better now!</p> <p>de jaye, ke6sls</p> <p>checking in from myrtle town USA.</p> <p>73</p> <p>de ke6sls k</p> <p>KE6SLS de K7KY GE Jaye&#8230; Glad you made it. YOu can stick around after the net and ask Jim to resend,</p> <p>or read the net report which comes to you by email&#8230; Anyone else???? de K7KY k qbqe\</p> <p>Before RSID: <<2015-03-11T03:13Z MFSK-32 @ 3595000+1498>></p> <p>W7ZAP&#8217;s last transmission was much stronger, interesting. Very smooth and quick net!</p> <p>de KI6RIT k</p> <p>Before RSID: <<2015-03-11T03:13Z MFSK-32 @ 3595000+1508>></p> <p>KI6RIT de K7KY Thanks Nick&#8230; I&#8217;m wondering what the band is doing for us, just having</p> <p>move the clocks an hour?</p> <p>Good to know everyone is copying anyway&#8230; Last call&#8230; de K7KY k <MODE:MFSK32>ORCA DIGITAL NET de K7KY</p> <p>This concludes the ORCA DIGITAL NET</p> <p> 3/11/2015 03:14Z </p> <p>All stations are welcome to remain on frequency to qso, explore, and experiment</p> <p>Thank you for taking part in the net tonight.. We appreciate your participation..</p> <p>de Doug K7KY NCS </p> <p>KE6SLS de KW6JIM</p> <p>kw6jim de ke6sls rg om, am here. good copy on ALL signals here tonight.</p> <p>de ke6sls k</p> <p>Rgr. Are you ready for the message?</p> <p> Before RSID: <<2015-03-11T03:16Z MFSK-32 @ 3595000+1509>></p> <p>rg, am ready and lookin&#8217; forward to it!</p> <p>ke6sls k</p> <p>&#8230; start</p> [WRAP:beg][WRAP:lf][WRAP:fn KW6JIM-12.213]<flmsg>1.1.32</p> <p>:hdr_fm:22 </p> <p>KW6JIM 20151103031637</p> <p>:hdr_ed:22 </p> <p>KW6JIM 20151103024512</p> <p><ics213></p> <p>:to:8 ORCA Net</p> <p>:fm:6 KW6JIM</p> <p>:d1:10 2015-03-10</p> <p>:t1:5 1933L</p> <p>:sb:23 Interesting Documentary</p> <p>:s1:6 KW6JIM</p> <p>:p3:10 Eureka, Ca</p> <p>:mg:580 HAM RADIO VIDEO: WRTC 2014 DOCUMENTARY RELEASED</p> <p>James Brooks, 9V1YC, has made available a video about the amateur radio World Radiosport Team Championship</p> <p>2014. </p> <p>The World Radiosport Team Championship better known as WRTC is a competition between two-person teams of</p> <p>amateur radio operators testing their skills to make contacts with other Amateur Radio operators around the</p> <p>world over a 24 hour period. Unlike most on-the-air competitions, all stations are required to use identical</p> <p>antennas from the same geographic region, eliminating all variables except operating ability. </p> [WRAP:chksum 9C2C][WRAP:end] <p>&#8230; end</p> <p>Before RSID: <<2015-03-11T03:18Z MFSK-32 @ 3595000+1502>></p> <p>fb there Jim. Perfect 100% copy ere. The web browser opened and flmsg .. anyway, clicked the alt/tab and</p> <p>found fldigi all alone!</p> <p>hehahaha. </p> <p>tu for the info. Will enjoy checking out the ubber DX video. I&#8217;v seen some reports already</p> <p>via hamnation and one other one, forget which.</p> <p>tu for the rtx Jim!</p> <p>de ke6sls k</p> <p>You bet. I have no link, but I am sure we can track it down. Sounds interesting.</p> <p>73!</p> <p>de KW6JIM </p> <p>KW6JIM de K7KY A moment for macros? de K7KY k Doug</p> <p> KW6JIM Seems I change my macros almost daily and I do rewrite them on the fly too. I&#8217;ve changed them</p> <p>extensively today and will repost them to the website. The current version of fldigi doesn&#8217;t support the new</p> <p>macro tags, but the Beta available at our website does. that version ends in .06. </p> <p>I&#8217;ve added some COMMENTS> to the macro files to help understand what they do. The tag order sometimes looks</p> <p>odd, and it&#8217;s beccause the macro parser does things in it&#8217;s own way. Not every tag is executed in order. </p> <p>anyway, just try them with the rig off and see what they do. Then, you can modify them to your taste.. GL and</p> <p>I&#8217;ll be glad to help you more specifically when we can&#8230; 73 Doug K7KY </p> <p>Sounds great. I&#8217;ll take a look. I will also try to D/L version .06. I&#8217;ll see what I can do.</p> <p>Thanks for a great net. I think the new format will be great and we&#8217;ll for out the very few bugs there were.</p> <p>73</p> <p>de KW6JIM </p> <p>Before RSID: <<2015-03-11T03:24Z MFSK-32 @ 3595000+1500>></p> <p>k7ky de ke6sls</p> <p>hi Doug. One thought. Think it would be nice and welcome if the last NCS transmission might be something</p> <p>like &#8220;are there any visitors for tonights ORCA net? Please come now&#8221;.. just sayin&#8217;. Some folks can be a weee bit shy.</p> <p>anyway, sure good copy on yous guys tonight.</p> <p>de ke6sls k</p> <p>KE6SLS UR right on, Jaye&#8230; This is the 2nd all digital net in more than a year. Last week almost</p> <p>doesn&#8217;t count because I had big rig problems at net start and it was a tough night. Tonight, I was better</p> <p>prepared, but I&#8217;ve easily forgotten to look for late/visitors in the push of trying to keep up with the net. </p> <p>I&#8217;m doing better at leaving enough time btwn transmissions for someone to drop their callsign, but the call for</p> <p>late/visitors is definitely on the menu. Thanks for reminding me. Hope to see you again next week. Not many</p> <p>Ops run Linux and we might need your expertice&#8230; 73 cu next time.. Doug k7ky </p> <p>Before RSID: <<2015-03-11T03:29Z MFSK-32 @ 3595000+1499>></p> <p>k7ky de ke6sls</p> <p>no problem Doug. i can rarely tell when I&#8217;m going to be free on a tuesday. So it&#8217;s always a pleasure to</p> <p>have time to sit down and hear you guys. </p> <p>Anyway, great codx tonight and I will hope for the next net the same.</p> <p>okay, guess I&#8217;ll go sort out the bills on the table and start writin&#8217; checks.</p> <p>:)</p> <p>73 yous guys</p> <p>de ke6sls </p> <p>dit dit</p> <p>GN all, and 73</p> <p>de KW6JIM </p> </div> <!-- END .left-side --> </div> <!-- END .content-without-middle --> </div> <!-- BEGIN .content-without-middle --> <div class="content-without-middle"> <!-- BEGIN .left-side --> <div class="left-side the-article-content" style="width:660px;"> <!-- END .left-side --> </div> <!-- END .content-without-middle --> </div> <!-- BEGIN .content-without-middle --> <div class="content-without-middle"> <!-- BEGIN .full-left-box --> <div class="full-left-box"> <h2 class="thetitle font-replace" style="border-top:5px solid FF0000;color:FF0000;">Net Reports</h2> <div class="title-top"> <a 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alt="Banner"/></a></div><div class="widget_text widget-7 panel"><div class="textwidget custom-html-widget"><center><h3>FEMA Region X HF Interoperability Testing (60m)</h3></center> <div class="snvdshc"><div class="synved-tab-list synved-tab-list-nojs ui-tabs ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all synved-content-scrollable" id="synved-tabs-1"><ul class="ui-tabs-nav ui-helper-clearfix ui-helper-reset ui-widget-header ui-corner-all"><li class="tab-title ui-corner-top ui-tabs-selected ui-tabs-active ui-state-active synved-tab-title-info"><a title="" href="#synved-tabs-1-0">Info</a></li><li class="tab-title ui-corner-top ui-state-default synved-tab-title-schedule"><a title="" href="#synved-tabs-1-1">Schedule</a></li></ul><div class="tab-body ui-tabs-panel ui-widget-content ui-corner-bottom synved-tab-title-info" id="synved-tabs-1-0"> <center> <img src="http://orcadigitalnet.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/FEMA_logo.jpg"></center><br> FEMA Region X Monthly Interoperability NET, which comprises <b>Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, Washington</b>, conducts a monthly interoperability communications exercise on the 60-meter band. This exercise often includes a voice portion and a digital portion. <br> <br>FEMA Region X uses the call sign of WGY910. The COMMEX occurs on the third Wednesday of the month from 1730 to 1900Z. Primary check-in is usually on 60-meter channel 1. </div><div class="tab-body ui-tabs-panel ui-widget-content ui-corner-bottom synved-tab-title-schedule" id="synved-tabs-1-1"> <center><h3>FEMA Region X Monthly Interoperability NET</h3></center> <div class="su-table su-table-alternate"> <table class="table-bordered"> <tbody> <tr> <td style="text-align: center">3rd Wednesday 1730Z - 1900Z</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align: center"> Channel 1: 5330.5 kHz<br> Channel 2: 5346.5 kHz<br> Channel 3: 5357.0 kHz<br> Channel 4: 5371.5 kHz<br> Channel 5: 5403.5 kHz</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <table class="table-bordered"> <tbody> <tr> <td>1730Z</td> <td>Open net, delay check-ins<br> 60M - CH1</td> </tr> <tr> <td>1735Z</td> <td>NCS sends 1st dig msg<br> 60M - BPSK31 - CH 2</td> </tr> <tr> <td>1740Z</td> <td>NCS repeats 1st dig msg using alt mode<br> 60M - MT63-2KL CH2</td> </tr> <tr> <td>1745Z</td> <td>NCS calls for check-ins and reports<br> 60M - CH1</td> </tr> <tr> <td>1815Z</td> <td>NCS TX 2nd digital msg<br> 60M - BPSK31 - CH 2</td> </tr> <tr> <td>1825Z</td> <td>NCS reTX 2nd dig msg using alt mode<br> 60M - MT63-2KL - CH 2</td> </tr> <tr> <td>1827Z</td> <td>NCS calls for reports<br> 60M - CH 1</td> </tr> <tr> <td>1850Z</td> <td>NCS closes the net<br> 60M - CH 1</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <br> <span class="wtb-ew-v1" style="width: 204px"><i><a href="https://www.worldtimebuddy.com/">World Clock</a></i><a href="https://www.worldtimebuddy.com/">World Clock</a>window[wtb_event_widgets.pop()].init()</span> </div> </div></div></div></div></div><div class="widget_text widget-8 last panel"><div class="textwidget custom-html-widget"><center><h3>SHORTWAVE RADIOGRAM</h3></center> <div class="snvdshc"><div class="synved-tab-list synved-tab-list-nojs ui-tabs ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all synved-content-scrollable" id="synved-tabs-2"><ul class="ui-tabs-nav ui-helper-clearfix ui-helper-reset ui-widget-header ui-corner-all"><li class="tab-title ui-corner-top ui-tabs-selected ui-tabs-active ui-state-active synved-tab-title-info"><a title="" href="#synved-tabs-2-0">Info</a></li><li class="tab-title ui-corner-top ui-state-default synved-tab-title-schedule"><a title="" href="#synved-tabs-2-1">Schedule</a></li></ul><div class="tab-body ui-tabs-panel ui-widget-content ui-corner-bottom synved-tab-title-info" id="synved-tabs-2-0"> <a href="http://swradiogram.net/" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="http://orcadigitalnet.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/shortwave_radiogram_logo.png" /></a> Shortwave Radiogram transmits digital text and images on an analog shortwave broadcast transmitter. The program is produced and presented by Dr. Kim Andrew Elliott KD9XB. Shortwave Radiogram continues VOA Radiogram's tradition testing new modes and is an interesting source for Digital Ops wishing to practice more with FLDIGI &amp; FLAMP. </div><div class="tab-body ui-tabs-panel ui-widget-content ui-corner-bottom synved-tab-title-schedule" id="synved-tabs-2-1"> &nbsp; <center><h3>Shortwave Radiogram Transmission Schedule (AM)</h3></center> <div class="su-table su-table-alternate"> <table> <tbody> <tr> <td style="text-align: center">Fri 2030-2100 UTC<br> 7780 kHz<br> 9455 kHz<br> WRMI Florida</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align: center">Sat 1600-1630 UTC<br> 9400 kHz<br> Space Line, Bulgaria</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align: center">Sun 2330-2400 UTC<br> 7780 kHz<br> WRMI Florida</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align: center">Mon 0800-0830 UTC<br> 7730 kHz<br> 5850 kHz<br> WRMI Florida</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <center> <br> <span class="wtb-ew-v1" style="width: 204px; display:inline-block"><script src="https://www.worldtimebuddy.com/clock_widget.js?h=0&bc=00A2E8&cn=&wt=c1"></script><i><a href="https://www.worldtimebuddy.com/">World Clock</a></i><noscript><a href="https://www.worldtimebuddy.com/">World Clock</a></noscript><script>window[wtb_event_widgets.pop()].init()</script></span> </center> </div></div></div></div></div> <!-- END .content-box-sidebar --> </div> <!-- END .content-box --> </div> <!-- END .wrapper --> </div> <!-- BEGIN .content --> </div> <!-- BEGIN .footer --> <div class="footer"> <!-- BEGIN .wrapper --> <div class="wrapper"> <div class="footer-content"> <div class="footer-block"> <div class="relative-block"> </div> </div> <div class="footer-block"> <div class="relative-block"> <h2 class="footer-title font-replace">Contact ORCA DIGITAL NET</h2> <div class="footer-contact-form"> <p> </p> </div> <div class="footer-bottom"> <span class="contact-msg"><span class="icon-text">&#128222;</span> </span> <a href="mailto:ncs@orcadigitalnet.com" class="contact-msg"><span 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