31/MAR/15 Report

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ORCA DIGITAL NET, Report 31/Mar/15

Check-ins: 7
Traffic: 6
Keyboard: 1

NX6D David
W6IES Peter
KJ6UPE Danon
KB6NN Howard
W7ZAP Mindy

Check-in and late check-in is working well now. Taking check-ins a few minutes before 1930p makes initial check-in easier, and we’re leaving sufficient gaps between transmissions for late members and visitors to join the net.

There’s been a number of comments about frequency stability lately. Signals wander up and down from 1500 wf. It’s not a problem for me, but I hear the complaint more often these days. A number of factors contribute to signal instability. Some radios drift more than others and older rigs are more inclined to drift. Most recent radios settle down after they warm up and are relatively stable, but they’re not perfect and may drift a few hertz. Not everyone has an Elecraft K3.

More significant than drift, is Operator control of the software. AFC (Automatic Frequency Control) in fldigi will follow drifting signals reliably when enabled. The LOCK feature will fix the fldigi transmit frequency wherever it’s set. If you set LOCK at 1500wf, you will always transmit at 1500 no matter where the curser has followed the previous signal. A problem arises when fldigi is not LOCKed and the last signal was off freq. fldigi will transmit from the curser position. You can see where this is going. Without LOCK, stations transmit where the last station stopped. This can take us further and further from 1500.

With LOCK set, fldigi transmits at 1500 no matter where the curser is located. This is not difficult to fix. In CONFIG/UI/WF Ctrls, set XMT lock. Now, LOCK will remain enabled even after mode change. Leave LOCK on unless you need to QSY up/down for relay; we always transmit at 1500wf. Even if the last station is off freq, your station will transmit at 1500wf, eliminating a software contribution to signal drift.

Another perceived problem seems to be signal strength. Not all stations hear every other station on the net equally. No surprise here. The net is comprised of Operators with a wide variety of radios and antennas, spread over a wide geographic area. I don’t need to explore propagation with a group of Amateur Operators, for sure. I’m usually heard well by all members, north and south, but on occasion I’ve been unable to communicate with anyone in Humboldt County, 100mi to the south. An unusual night on 80m. During summer conditions, I’ve run the net at 5w w/o complaints. I never operate digital beyond 40w. We use high duty-cycle modes and many modern radios will overheat at high power and 100% duty-cycle. Mindy & I use Yaesu FT-857D’s for the net and usually do well at 25w. I usually hear all stations well too.

I’ve been encouraging everyone to include basic station information each week to help others evaluate signals and band conditions. During the best conditions, you may have difficulty with nearby stations that are beyond ground wave reception. Tonight, we had difficulty hearing Danon at the beginning. He could be as high as 100w, I didn’t ask him, but he’s usually easy copy at 35w and sometimes as low as 5w. This is just band conditions. When you’re not hearing stations you usually copy well, it may just be a moody band. I hope we’ll all come to know the basic station setup of the regular members. When we do, we’ll better understand band conditions and better select our operating mode. Active Amateurs are usually very keen to improve their antennas. Maybe this discussion will stimulate some to hang a little more wire (-:

This brings me to David NX6D’s suggestion that we practice relaying. We initially practiced relay work when we were coupled with the VHF net, but haven’t had the need on HF lately. Relays are basic to radio-nets and we’ll get back to relay practice. We would likely be doing relay work in emergency conditions. It’s a good thing we had the little bump with the nearby RTTY net. I had been thinking to do relay work at 0800 & 2200 on the waterfall, but I see 2200 is too close to the neighbors for some modes.

Jim KW6JIM sent an interesting message about his FT-817 QRP 15m contact with JI1ICF in Japan and included this image of his portable setup. The image arrived in SW/OR with very little noise. I’m a big QRP fan.
I’m attaching our ORCA image to this email so you can send the image sometimes. It may be helpful to see the image sent from various stations/locations. I’ve not seen it from anyone except Mindy and it arrives here perfect; her antenna is only 70ft from mine.

After closing the net, we QSY’d to 3.592 to send an flamp message to David in 10xPSK63R. Ken K7IFG had just arrived home through the snow and stayed for a short chat.

Thanks to everyone who took time to work with us tonight. I hope to see you all again next week. 73 Doug K7KY

—————— Net Log ————————————–

Read macro file: C:\Documents and Settings\Admin\fldigi.files\macros\ORCAci.mdf

Loaded logbook: C:\Documents and Settings\Admin\fldigi.files\logs\newlog.adi

7 records in 0.00 seconds

de K7KY testing testing testing < K7KY k nQSRf0i 8 ba4 Before RSID: <<2015-04-01T02:09Z MFSK-32 @ 1502>>



Before RSID: <<2015-04-01T02:11Z MFSK-64 @ 1502>>

ahead Peter!


W6IES Peter de K7KY U still here? < K7KY k KW6JIM Jim U still here? < K7KY k Hi... Sorry, had to go tune up a bit. Please repeat your last... KW6JIM KW6JIM Jim Nothing significant Jim... I was also away and saw your call & W6IES on the waterfall... I was just testing and getting ready for net.... Isn't tonight the big ARC meeting night in Humboldt? btu < K7KY k Rgr. I need to find a little info to build a message with. Looking forward to the net. No... The meeting is the first Tuesday. BTU... KW6JIM KW6JIM Jim Oh yes, I remmember now.. by next year I'll have it down... OK see you @ net... 73 < K7KY k Copy that... Thanks Doug. See you soon. Please check me in. 73 KW6JIM KW6JIM Jim OK ur checked in early...< K7KY k Before RSID: <<2015-04-01T02:17Z MFSK-32 @ 1501>>

NX6D David GE I’ll check you in early too… < K7KY k Before RSID: <<2015-04-01T02:18Z MFSK-32 @ 1500>>



ORCA DIGITAL NET, Early Check-in

Send only your callsign or print it on the WF

I’ll list earlies before regular check-in. de K7KY k

Before RSID: <<2015-04-01T02:24Z MFSK-32 @ 1506>>

De W6IES I’ll try and keep up, recovering from the common cold. W6IES

W6IES Peter OK good to see you . I hope you feel better soon… YOu’re checkec in < K7KY k W6IES Peter will you send traffic or kbd? < K7KY k ORCA DIGIAL NET, Checked-in early: KW6JIM Jim NX6D David W6IES Peter W7ZAP Mindy < K7KY k ORCA DIGITAL NET, Early Check-in Send only your callsign or print it on the WF I'll list earlies before regular check-in. de K7KY k Before RSID: <<2015-04-01T02:28Z MFSK-32 @ 1500>>

K7Ky de W6IES please add me to your email list my call at ARRL dot net.

W6IES Peter FB no problem.. do you have traffic tonght or are you going to kbd? < K7KY k Before RSID: <<2015-04-01T02:29Z MFSK-32 @ 1500>>

I’ll join the rotation, thanks. W6IES

< K7KY k W6IES Peter Good you can either send traffW6IES Peter sorry for the mixup in this transmission.. you can either send traffic or keyboard as you like...< K7KY k Before RSID: <<2015-04-01T02:31Z MFSK-32 @ 1501>>


Before RSID: <<2015-04-01T02:31Z MFSK-32 @ 1500>>

Howard got you < K7KY k KJ6UPE Danon ur checked in Danon< K7KY k QST & WELCOME to the ORCA DIGITAL NET. Doug K7KY NCS - Brookings,OR. We meet every Tuesday at 1930p here on 3.595 USB. Software: FLDIGI, FLMSG, & FLAMP. Mode: MFSK-32 @ 1500. Other modes and bands depending on conditions. Alternate digital freq: 7.122 USB. Optional voice freq's: 3.955 & 7.200. The ORCA DIGITAL NET is dedicated to learning digital operating skills and practicing digital traffic handling. The net connects Amateur Operators with mutual interest in training, information-sharing, and support. Visitors welcome. This is a DIRECTED Roundtable Net. Please answer check-in with your CALLSIGN. If you can print your call on the WF, any free space in the passband is OK. After check-in, please stand-by while NCS organizes the transmit rotation list. NCS will send three files: test image,rotation list, and announcments NCS transmits grayscale test image NCS transmits Station Rotation list NCS transmits net announcements Call for comments/questions on announcments NCS calls the first transmitting station & all stations follow in order w/o prompt. Before sending, please LOCK fldigi @ 1500, enable RxID, TxID, & AFC. A round (or more) of fills, reception reports, comments, questions, follows the traffic round. NCS transmits Closing Announcment (optional QSY to voice) de K7KY ORCA DIGIAL NET, Checked-in early: KW6JIM Jim NX6D David W6IES Peter KJ6UPE Danon KB6NN Howard W7ZAP Mindy K7KY Doug < K7KY k ORCA DIGITAL NET de K7KY Check-in: Please respond with your callsign only... ALL ORCA OK looks like we got everyone early... Please stand by while I compile the rotation list..< K7KY k

… start

[WRAP:beg][WRAP:lf][WRAP:fn K7KY-7.b2s]2.0.9


K7KY 20150104023732


K7KY 20150104023728

:mg:266 ORCA DIGITAL NET, Rotation order


KJ6UPE Danon T

NX6D David T

KB6NN Howard T

W6IES Peter ?

W7ZAP Mindy T


NCS will prompt the first traffic station and all others will follow in order w/o prompting

[WRAP:chksum 6F74][WRAP:end]

… end

ORCA DIGITAL NET, Announcments, 31/Mar/15

Digital check-in went well again last week. And, the net ran smoothly and efficiently as well. Don’t forget, we can easily go to voice if we need to discuss things in more depth.

I hope you copied one of the VOA broadcasts last weekend. Kim didn’t try our procedure for printing callsigns on the waterfall, but he might get to it this coming weekend.

Following Announcments and comments, NCS will prompt the first traffic station and each station will follow in order w/o prompting. If you don’t have traffic in flmsg, you’re welcome to keyboard.

After traffic round, a keyboard round, of reception reports & comments.

*** Remember to LOCK fldigi @ 1500, & enable RxID, TxID, & AFC ***

Comments?, come now with your callsign. de K7KY

ALL ORCA Oops! I forgot to send the testimage… I’ll send it now and following the image, we begin with KW6JIM for traffic rotation… de K7KY k


Grayscale image for signal evaluation

Sending Pic:192×192;

Before RSID: <<2015-04-01T02:42Z MFSK-32 @ 1500>>

Good Evening All…

I have to brag a little about a nice QRP contact I had this week. 15m, 2315z, JI1ICF. I was using my Yaesu FT-817nd and my Miracle Ducker TL antenna in my backyard on Pine Hill. 5 watts. My report from Koh was a 5-5. He was as surprised as I was that we were speaking to each other! 4956 miles. I never cease to be amazed by what you can do with a small antenna and little bit of power..

QRP Station photo to follow…


Sending Pic:175x170C;

KJ6UPE Danon ur up de K7KY k

NX6D David ur up and HOward, you can follow david w/o prompt and everyone else

too… de K7KY k

Before RSID: <<2015-04-01T02:46Z MFSK-32 @ 1502>>

… start

[WRAP:beg][WRAP:lf][WRAP:fn NX6D-6.p2s]2.0.8


NX6D 20150104024650


NX6D 20150104024650

<p>:tt:15 General Message</p> <p>:to:4 ORCA</p> <p>:fm:4 NX6D</p> <p>:dt:10 03/31/2015</p> <p>:sb:12 Test message</p> <p>:mg:1718 Sunspot numbers and solar flux both rose this week. Average daily sunspot numbers on March 19-25 were up 24.8 points to 83.9, compared to the previous 7-day period. Average daily solar flux rose from 117.5 to 122.4.</p> <p>The average planetary A index dropped from 29.4 to 19.4, although conditions continued to be active. March 22-23 had planetary A index numbers at 24 and 21, but there was nothing like the index of 117, recorded on March 17. We saw one new sunspot region on March 19, two on March 21, three on March 22 and again on March 23, and yet</p> <p>another new one on March 24.</p> <p>Predicted solar flux is 150 on March 26-28, 145 on March 29-30, then 150, 155, and 145 on March 31 through April 2, 130 on April 3-5, 125 on April 6-8, 120 on April 9-10, 115 on April 11-19, 120 on April 20, 115 on April 21, 120 on April 22-23, and 125 on April 24-27.</p> <p>Predicted planetary A index is 8 on March 26-27, 25 on March 28-29, 10 on March 30-31, 5 on April 1, then 10, 15, and 12 on April 2-4, 5 on April 5-6, 8 on April 7-8, 5 on April 9-11, 15, and 30 on April 12-13, 20 on April 14-16, 15 on April 17, 20 on April 18-19, then 12, 5 and 15 on April 20-22, and 25 on April 23-24.</p> <p>This weekly &#8220;Solar Update&#8221; in The ARRL Letter is a preview of the &#8220;Propagation Bulletin&#8221; issued each Friday. The latest bulletin and an archive of past propagation bulletins is on the ARRL website.</p> <p>In Friday&#8217;s bulletin, look for an updated forecast and news from readers, including a report from one unlucky ham who had planned to operate on 17 meters while vacationing in Florida for a couple of days. Unfortunately, his stay coincided with the peak effect of the recent large disturbance, and he heard no signals for the 2 days he was there.</p> [WRAP:chksum F98A][WRAP:end] <p>&#8230; end</p> <p>Before RSID: <<2015-04-01T02:50Z MFSK-32 @ 1491>></p> [WRAP:beg][WRAP:lf][WRAP:fn Link to KB6NN-13.213]<flmsg>1.1.34</p> <p>:hdr_fm:21 </p> <p>KB6NN 20150104025011</p> <p>:hdr_ed:21 </p> <p>KB6NN 20150104013605</p> <p><ics213></p> <p>:to:16 ORCA DIGITAL NET</p> <p>:p1:17 25w, dipole @ 10&#8242;</p> <p>:fm:13 Howard, KB6NN</p> <p>:p2:10 Eureka, Ca</p> <p>:s1:17 73, Howard, KB6NN</p> <p>:mg:57 Looking forward to nice weather and some outdoor hamming.</p> [WRAP:chksum 4210][WRAP:end] <p>&#8230; end</p> <p>Before RSID: <<2015-04-01T02:51Z MFSK-32 @ 1465>></p> <p>ORCA image received complete with a few missing pixels, also kw6im&#8217;s with odd coloring (purple rain?). It&#8217;s amazing the way I now love the sound from my radio that my dialup modem used to make in the AOL days&#8230;W8IES </p> <p>Before RSID: <<2015-04-01T02:51Z MFSK-32 @ 1480>></p> <p>&#8230; start</p> [WRAP:beg][WRAP:lf][WRAP:fn 31mar15.213]<flmsg>2.0.9</p> <p>:hdr_fm:21 </p> <p>W7ZAP 20150104025142</p> <p>:hdr_ed:21 </p> <p>W7ZAP 20153103182309</p> <p><ics213></p> <p>:to:16 ORCA DIGITAL NET</p> <p>:p1:22 25w 120&#8242; doublet @ 65&#8242;</p> <p>:fm:11 Mindy W7ZAP</p> <p>:p2:13 Brookings, OR</p> <p>:d1:10 2015-03-31</p> <p>:t1:5 1120L</p> <p>:sb:33 Morse code factored into SOS call</p> <p>:mg:1815 </p> <p>Q: All my life, I thought SOS stood for Save Our Ship, but someone recently told me it’s not an acronym for anything. What is it then?</p> <p>A: This is one of those, What do you mean it’s not true? things, but SOS does not stand for Save Our Ship.</p> <p>According to an article in TodayIFoundOut.com, Morse code was a factor in designating those letters as a message of distress.</p> <p>In Morse code, S is three dots and O three dashes.</p> <p>The theory was that three dots, three dashes and three dots could quickly and easily be transmitted and it did not require much power to transmit.</p> <p>While looking for this answer, I found some interesting trivia about the history of the usage of SOS.</p> <p>According to titanic-whitestarships.com, the first recorded use of SOS was Jan. 23, 1909, when a liner called the Republic and an Italian liner called the Florida collided in the dense fog while passing Nantucket.</p> <p>Two vessels, including one from the U.S. Coast Guard, responded and saved the day.</p> <p>The website states the second use and first American use of the distress call was Aug. 14, 1909, from T.D. Haubner when he was aboard the SS Arapahoe. The ship lost a propeller near Diamond Shoals, North Carolina. A United Wireless station picked it up and sent help.</p> <p>That not only was good news for the SS Arapahoe, but also for the SS Iroquois, according to the site.</p> <p>That’s because Haubner was aboard the Arapahoe on Oct. 20 of that year when the second American use of SOS was sent out.</p> <p>It was from the Iroquois, which had struck a rock and became grounded. Haubner picked up the call and sent help.</p> <p>The fourth SOS call didn’t end so well. It came from the Titanic.</p> <p>SOURCE: http://www.timesdaily.com/opinion/columnists/bernie_delinski/morse-code-factored-into-sos-call/article_</p> <p>4ae31b18-3b28-5292-b46d-0e85f624d6b1.html</p> [WRAP:chksum FA23][WRAP:end] <p>&#8230; end</p> <p>ALL ORCA Thanks Mindy&#8230; Are there any late checkins? come now de K7KY k </p> <p>ALL ORCA I&#8217;m going to resend the announcement file in MFSK-64 don&#8217;t forget to go back to MFSK32 here it comes. de K7KY k &#8221; </p> <p>ka6ulg ka6ulg kn</p> <p>KA6ULG de K7KY GE Bob&#8230; nice to see you.. we are just about to change modes to MFSK64 and after that file, we&#8217;ll be back to mfsk32 de K7KY k K</p> <p>ORCA DIGITAL NET, Announcments, 31/Mar/15</p> <p>Digital check-in went well again last week. And, the net ran smoothly and efficiently as well. Don&#8217;t forget, we can easily go to voice if we need to discuss things in more depth.</p> <p>I hope you copied one of the VOA broadcasts last weekend. Kim didn&#8217;t try our procedure for printing callsigns on the waterfall, but he might get to it this coming weekend.</p> <p>Following Announcments and comments, NCS will prompt the first traffic station and each station will follow in order w/o prompting. If you don&#8217;t have traffic in flmsg, you&#8217;re welcome to keyboard. </p> <p>After traffic round, a keyboard round, of reception reports &#038; comments.</p> <p> *** Remember to LOCK fldigi @ 1500, &#038; enable RxID, TxID, &#038; AFC ***</p> <p>Comments?, come now with your callsign. de K7KY</p> <p>KW6JIM Jim Let&#8217;s begin a round ofKW6JIM Jim Sorry about that&#8230; I reminded all to change back to mfsk 32, but forgot myself&#8230; OK JIm over to you for a round of observations and comments&#8230; All other stations can follow Jim w/o prompting&#8230; de K7KY k</p> <p>Before RSID: <<2015-04-01T03:01Z MFSK-32 @ 1498>></p> <p>I wiped out my list&#8230; please come back to me at the end.</p> <p>Thx&#8230;</p> <p>KW6JIM</p> <p>KJ6UPE Danon up to you for comments if you can hear me&#8230; de K7KY k </p> <p>Before RSID: <<2015-04-01T03:01Z MFSK-32 @ 1500>></p> <p>EVERY ONE 100% BUT NO IMAGE FROM JIM.OOPS Big cases sorry.but got ORCA net logo logo. band is like a yo yo. kj6upe love this mode&#8230;good one sounds silly kj6upe.</p> <p>NX6D David up to you for comments&#8230; de K7KY k</p> <p>Before RSID: <<2015-04-01T03:02Z MFSK-32 @ 1503>></p> <p>Test image &#8212; noisy today.</p> <p>QRP Station image received with a jog in it. Otherwise transmission from KW6JIM was 599.</p> <p>KJ6UPE &#8211; Nothing heard</p> <p>NX6D &#8211; Transmission complete without error</p> <p>KB6NN &#8211; Received message with errors at 1462 offset</p> <p>W7ZAP &#8211; Received message w/O errors. Before SOS, they used CQD. In the Clifton Webb movie, Titanic, from about 1950, you can clearly hear the wireless operators keying CQD.</p> <p>We doubled at one point after the first round.</p> <p>de NX6D k</p> <p>Before RSID: <<2015-04-01T03:03Z MFSK-32 @ 1502>></p> <p>KB6NN Reception Report</p> <p>ORCA DIGITAL NET: 03-31-15 (local)</p> <p>Greyscale image &#8211; text 100% image very good </p> <p>KW6JIM Jim T &#8211; text 100% photo excellent </p> <p>KJ6UPE Danon T &#8211; nothing heard nothing received </p> <p>NX6D David T &#8211; text 100% &#038; FLMSG in spite of QSB </p> <p>KB6NN Howard T &#8211; tx lock on for first time on net, which is consistently above 1500 by 20-30 cycles, radio on and set locked to 3595 starting 6PM, 1.5 hrs before the net</p> <p>W6IES Peter ? &#8211; text 100%</p> <p>W7ZAP Mindy T &#8211; text 100% &#038; FLMSG (encyclopedia titanica also has much information)</p> <p>K7KY Doug T NCS &#8211; heard ka6ulg very weakly before Doug&#8217;s mfsk64 test but text decoding was 100% </p> <p>K7KY Doug mfsk64 test &#8211; text 100% but wide enough at mfsk64 to have clobbered a weak rtty signal just above us at 2000 on the wf that began just before ky&#8217;s xmission.</p> <p>Then decoded &#8220;KW6JIM Let&#8217;s begin a round of&#8221; followed by gibberish. </p> <p>KB6NN Reception Report</p> <p>Before RSID: <<2015-04-01T03:05Z MFSK-32 @ 1471>></p> <p>All transmissions rec&#8217;d except UPE de W6IES</p> <p>Before RSID: <<2015-04-01T03:06Z MFSK-32 @ 1473>></p> <p>W7ZAP copied the following stations tonight:</p> <p>K7KY 100% copy</p> <p>KW6JIM 100% copy + image (very clear image) &#8211; great QRP story!</p> <p>KJ6UPE 90% kbd copy (a little off freq + weak signal) &#8211; good to see you back on the net</p> <p>NX6D 100% copy + flmsg</p> <p>KB6NN 100% copy + flmsg</p> <p>W6IES 100% kbd copy</p> <p>KA6ULG 100% kbd copy (weak)</p> <p>Last week Don WA6NBG helped Doug and I resolve our FLAMP issues by suggesting we set FLAMP to open automatically when FLDIGI opens. Has worked flawlessly since we made the change&#8230; thanks Don!</p> <p>Over the weekend Doug and I copied VOA Radiogram. Kim Elliot did TX tests sending the same story and image using the following modes (and my VOA RX report):</p> <p>MFSK32 (120 wpm) 100% copy + image </p> <p>MFSK64 (250 wpm) 100% copy + image</p> <p>8PSK125F (317 wpm) 5% copy (no image sent)</p> <p>MSSK128 (480 wpm) 90% copy &#8211; no image</p> <p>8PSK250F (635 wpm) 5% copy (no image sent)</p> <p>Good to see you all tonight. Looking forward to more FLDIGI experimenting. </p> <p>Hope everyone has a great week &#038; see you again next week.</p> <p>73,</p> <p>Mindy W7ZAP k</p> <p><STX></p> <p>&#8230; start</p> [WRAP:beg][WRAP:lf][WRAP:fn K7KY-7.b2s]<flmsg>2.0.9</p> <p>:hdr_fm:20 </p> <p>K7KY 20150104030825</p> <p>:hdr_ed:20 </p> <p>K7KY 20150104023728</p> <p><blankform></p> <p>:mg:346 ORCA DIGITAL NET, Reception report &#038; comments</p> <p>KW6JIM Jim 100% + flmsg, good image, very little noise</p> <p>KJ6UPE Danon no copy traffic, but 100% on keyboard later </p> <p>NX6D David 100% + flmsg </p> <p>KB6NN Howard 100% + flmsg, good observation about wide modes</p> <p>W6IES Peter kbd 100% copy</p> <p>W7ZAP Mindy T </p> <p>K7KY Doug T NCS</p> [WRAP:chksum 79B4][WRAP:end] <p>&#8230; end</p> <p>ALL ORCA I would like to send a short file using flamp&#8230; If you dont&#8217; have flamp, you can copy the file anyway, or maybe not, It wont be compressed. Any questions before I send? de K7KY k </p> <p><STX>QST DE K7KY</p> <p><PROG 18 D73C>{107E}FLAMP 2.2.00</p> <p><FILE 36 CC22>{107E}20150401012950:AnnouncORCA.txt</p> <p><ID 23 EA3E>{107E}K7KY Brookings,OR</p> <p><SIZE 14 AA13>{107E}825 9 96</p> <p><DATA 104 DDAA>{107E:1}ORCA DIGITAL NET, Announcments, 31/Mar/15</p> <p>Digital check-in went well again last week. And, t</p> <p><DATA 104 EED7>{107E:2}he net ran smoothly and efficiently as well. Don&#8217;t forget, we can easily go to voice if we need</p> <p><DATA 104 A1BA>{107E:3} to discuss things in more depth. I hope you copied one of the VOA broadcasts last weekend. </p> <p><DATA 104 FA36>{107E:4}Kim didn&#8217;t try our procedure for printing callsigns on the waterfall, but he might get to it thi</p> <p><DATA 104 20E3>{107E:5}s coming weekend. Following Announcments and comments, NCS will prompt the first traffic sta</p> <p><DATA 104 EF36>{107E:6}tion and each station will follow in order w/o prompting. If you don&#8217;t have traffic in flmsg, y</p> <p><DATA 104 6311>{107E:7}ou&#8217;re welcome to keyboard. After traffic round, a keyboard round, of reception reports &#038; co</p> <p><DATA 104 214F>{107E:8}mments. *** Remember to LOCK fldigi @ 1500, &#038; enable RxID, TxID, &#038; AFC *** Comments?, com</p> <p><DATA 65 BD13>{107E:9}e now with your callsign. de K7KY</p> <p> <CNTL 10 851F>{107E:EOF}</p> <p><CNTL 10 2513>{107E:EOT}</p> <p>DE K7KY K</p> <p>KW6JIM Jim How copy? and we can just continue around the rotation to see if we need fills. Please click your report button when it comes your turn.. de K7KY k </p> <p>Hello All!</p> <p>Everyone looks great tonight. The band was perfect and the signals bright. I was curious to hear how my photo looked. I was going to send it in black and white, but I was curious to hear how it looked.</p> <p>KW6JIM Jim Me!</p> <p>KJ6UPE Danon 100% on KB</p> <p>NX6D David 100% with flmsg</p> <p>KB6NN Howard 100% with flmsg</p> <p>W6IES Peter 100% KB</p> <p>W7ZAP Mindy 100% with flmsg</p> <p>K7KY Doug T MFSK 64 was perfect. Twice as fast and no errors. FLAMP 100%!</p> <p>73</p> <p>KW6JIM</p> <p>KW6JIM Jim And, did you copy the flamp traffic OK? de K7KY k </p> <p>KJ6UPE Danon I don&#8217;t think you have flamp installed yet, but you could still read the</p> <p>content how copy? de K7KY k </p> <p>KW6JIM Jim go ahead&#8230; Danon may not hear me de K7KY k </p> <p>DE KW6JIM</p> <p>File : AnnouncORCA.txt</p> <p><MISSING 15 E9C6>{107E}CONFIRMED</p> <p>DE KW6JIM K </p> <p>NX6D David how copy flamp traffic? de K7KY k</p> <p>Before RSID: <<2015-04-01T03:18Z MFSK-32 @ 1502>></p> <p>I don&#8217;t know if the objective of this net is to reach as far south as the SF Bay Area, but if it is, some stations don&#8217;t reach that far. I hear K7KY very clearly every time, but some stations I don&#8217;t hear and FLDIGI doesn&#8217;t decode. A voice net would use a relay &#8212; perhaps we should start practicing that &#8212; relay a message from the northernmost station to the southernmost station.</p> <p>FLAMP message received w/o error &#8212; all blocks complete&#8211; no fills needed.</p> <p>Doug &#8212; interesting experiment &#8212; send your FLAMP message again, but using MFSK64.</p> <p>de NX6D k</p> <p>NX6D David Good suggestion about relays and it&#8217;s on our minds, but we haven&#8217;t</p> <p>yet begun relays. I&#8217;m not good with sending again in mfsk64 on this freq as Howard just mentioned, we may be bothering the RTTY net @ 3599.</p> <p>After the net, I&#8217;ll go to another freq with you and try 64 again&#8230; OK HOward how copy? de K7KY k</p> <p>Before RSID: <<2015-04-01T03:21Z MFSK-32 @ 1503>></p> <p>KB6NN Notes:</p> <p>NX6D reports my transmission received there was: </p> <p>Received message with errors at 1462 offset</p> <p>At my location:</p> <p>Mindy received at 1539-1543 and trends upward from start</p> <p>Doug received at 1532-1541 and trends upward from start</p> <p>Jim received at 1541-1544 when immediately after Doug -although flamp installed here, and started with fldigi, no flamp message was received with Doug&#8217;s transmission &#8211; was text only. Jim now at 1543 on fldigi, NX6D now 1544 so i micht want to detune down to 1464 in order to be spot on&#8230;. </p> <p>de KB6NN k</p> <p>KB6NN Howard thanks for the details&#8230; Over to Peter de K7KY k </p> <p>W7ZAP Mindy Peter may have left or not hearing me. Up to you for comments on flamp traffic. de K7KY k</p> <p>Before RSID: <<2015-04-01T03:23Z MFSK-32 @ 1503>></p> <p>DE W7ZAP</p> <p>File : AnnouncORCA.txt</p> <p><MISSING 15 E9C6>{107E}CONFIRMED</p> <p>DE W7ZAP K </p> <p>ALL ORCA OK we did alright with the flamp traffic. Are there any more comments or messages for the net before we close? After closing we&#8217;ll move down a bit and try MFSK64 again&#8230; comments please come now de K7KY k</p> <p>Before RSID: <<2015-04-01T03:25Z MFSK-32 @ 1497>></p> <p>KB7NN notes:</p> <p>Mindy was at 1545 but I&#8217;m still locked on, not RTTY. RTTY is so loud right now I&#8217;ve had to narrow the passband to keep AGC from killing the signal I want. Did not</p> <p>copy any part of recent KB6NN transmission.</p> <p>I still do not have FLAMP configured to autostart, and it&#8217;s working fine for me. Just FYI.</p> <p>de NX6D k</p> <p>100% ON DOUGS message that he sent thank u all KJ6UPE MAJOR DOUBLES OR EVEN TRIPLES </p> <p>KJ6UPE Danon Thanks. good to see you&#8217;re still here. I didn&#8217;t get you last time. The doubles and triples are my error. I&#8217;ll try calling stations one at a time again&#8230; NOw, lets sort out the double. please try again. de K7KY </p> <p>NX6D David I copied most of your last. If there was a third station, please go now. de K7KY k </p> <p>KB6NN </p> <p>KB6NN Howard go ahead de K7KY k </p> <p>Before RSID: <<2015-04-01T03:28Z MFSK-32 @ 1502>></p> <p>I turned off txid for that last, it seems to work better for me tracking the last station transmitting before me.</p> <p>de KB6NN k</p> <p>KB6NN Howard Thanks for that.. I think it different for each station. I do best with</p> <p>RXid on most of the time. I&#8217;m also surprised David is not hearing some of the closer stations. We&#8217;re all near the same power out. Ken K7IFG usually uses 50w and he&#8217;s heard well by most members&#8230; If there&#8217;s nothing more , I&#8217;ll close the net and we&#8217;ll move down to run MFSK64 de K7KY k ƒ</p> <p>Before RSID: <<2015-04-01T03:31Z MFSK-32 @ 1502>></p> <p>Repeating previous:</p> <p>There is a RTTY at the top of the 3K passband. There was something else going on just before our MFSK64 test, but it ended shortly after we started. It was very wide band, not RTTY. RTTY is so loud right now I&#8217;ve had to narrow the passband to keep AGC from killing the signal I want. Did not copy any part of recent KB6NN transmission.</p> <p>I still do not have FLAMP configured to autostart, and it&#8217;s working fine for me. Just FYI.</p> <p>de NX6D k</p> <p>KB6NN Howard OOps. never mind de K7KY k </p> <p>NX6D David We&#8217;ll go to 3.591 after closing the net. I agree with you about autostarting flamp, but it worked here. It doesn&#8217;t seem correct, but it will do until I know exactly what&#8217;s up de K7KY k </p> <p><MODE:MFSK32>ORCA DIGITAL NET</p> <p>de K7KY</p> <p>This concludes the ORCA DIGITAL NET</p> <p>4/1/2015 03:34Z </p> <p>All stations are welcome to remain on frequency to qso, explore, and experiment</p> <p>Thank you for taking part in the net tonight.. We appreciate your participation..</p> <p>de Doug K7KY NCS </p> <p>ALL ORCA QSY to 3.591 de K7KY k </p> <p>NX6D David u here? de K7KY k</p> <p>Before RSID: <<2015-04-01T03:35Z MFSK-32 @ 1505>></p> <p>BTN de NX6D</p> <p>NX6D David I&#8217;ll send the same file in flamp. And, i&#8217;ll have a glitch so you&#8217;ll need a</p> <p>fill. You can send me a REPORT when it arrives.. de K7KY k </p> <p><STX>QST DE K7KY</p> <p><PROG 18 D73C>{107E}FLAMP 2.2.00</p> <p><FILE 36 CC22>{107E}20150401012950:AnnouncORCA.txt</p> <p><ID 23 EA3E>{107E}K7KY Brookings,OR</p> <p><SIZE 14 AA13>{107E}825 9 96</p> <p><DATA 104 DDAA>{107E:1}ORCA DIGITAL NET, Announcments, 31/Mar/15</p> <p>Digital check-in went well again last week. And, t</p> <p><DATA 104 EED7>{107E:2}he net ran smoothly and efficiently as well. Don&#8217;t forget, we can easily go to voice if we need</p> <p><DATA 104 A1BA>{107E:3} to discuss things in more depth. I hope you copied one of the VOA broadcasts last weekend. </p> <p><DATA 104 FA36>{107E:4}Kim didn&#8217;t try our procedure for printing callsigns on the waterfall, but he might get to it thi</p> <p><DATA 104 20E3>{107E:5}s coming weekend. Following Announcments and comments, NCS will prompt the first traffic sta</p> <p><DATA 104 EF36>{107E:6}tion and each station will follow in order w/o prompting. If you don&#8217;t have traffic in flmsg, y</p> <p><DATA 104 6311>{107E:7}ou&#8217;re welcome to keyboard. After traffic round, a keyboard round, of reception reports &#038; co</p> <p><DATA 104 214F>{107E:8}mments. *** Remember to LOCK fldigi @ 1500, &#038; enable RxID, TxID, &#038; AFC *** Comments?, com</p> <p><DATA 65 BD13>{107E:9}e now with your callsign. de K7KY</p> <p><CNTL 10 851F>{107E:EOF}</p> <p><CNTL 10 2513>{107E:EOT}</p> <p>DE K7KY K</p> <p>Before RSID: <<2015-04-01T03:39Z MFSK-32 @ 1501>></p> <p>Didn&#8217;t work at all this time. I wonder if it has something to do with the QSY?</p> <p>de NX6D k</p> <p>NX6D David Maybe, but I doubt it. You might try closing and repopening the app. de K7KY k </p> <p>Before RSID: <<2015-04-01T03:40Z MFSK-32 @ 1500>></p> <p>david was 1515 and doug is 1494 on my fldigi KB6NN </p> <p>KB6NN Howard Thanks&#8230; I&#8217;m not having any problems with my fldigi AFC keeping all signals decoding so far. David, do you want me to resend? de K7KY k </p> <p>Before RSID: <<2015-04-01T03:42Z MFSK-32 @ 1500>></p> <p>Please Also, try using the hihger rate.</p> <p>de NX6D k</p> <p><STX>QST DE K7KY</p> <p><PROG 18 D73C>{107E}FLAMP 2.2.00</p> <p><FILE 36 CC22>{107E}20150401012950:AnnouncORCA.txt</p> <p><ID 23 EA3E>{107E}K7KY Brookings,OR</p> <p><SIZE 14 AA13>{107E}825 9 96</p> <p><DATA 104 DDAA>{107E:1}ORCA DIGITAL NET, Announcments, 31/Mar/15</p> <p>Digital check-in went well again last week. And, t</p> <p><DATA 104 EED7>{107E:2}he net ran smoothly and efficiently as well. Don&#8217;t forget, we can easily go to voice if we need</p> <p><DATA 104 A1BA>{107E:3} to discuss things in more depth. I hope you copied one of the VOA broadcasts last weekend. </p> <p><DATA 104 FA36>{107E:4}Kim didn&#8217;t try our procedure for printing callsigns on the waterfall, but he might get to it thi</p> <p><DATA 104 20E3>{107E:5}s coming weekend. Following Announcments and comments, NCS will prompt the first traffic sta</p> <p><DATA 104 EF36>{107E:6}tion and each station will follow in order w/o prompting. If you don&#8217;t have traffic in flmsg, y</p> <p><DATA 104 6311>{107E:7}ou&#8217;re welcome to keyboard. After traffic round, a keyboard round, of reception reports &#038; co</p> <p><DATA 104 214F>{107E:8}mments. *** Remember to LOCK fldigi @ 1500, &#038; enable RxID, TxID, &#038; AFC *** Comments?, com</p> <p><DATA 65 BD13>{107E:9}e now with your callsign. de K7KY</p> <p> <CNTL 10 851F>{107E:EOF}</p> <p><CNTL 10 2513>{107E:EOT}</p> <p>DE K7KY K</p> <p>Before RSID: <<2015-04-01T03:44Z MFSK-64 @ 1491>></p> <p>two blocks. Otherwise OK. There was some QRM.</p> <p>de NX6D k</p> <p>NX6D David Do you want to send a REPORT and fill in the missing blocks? de K7KY k </p> <p>Before RSID: <<2015-04-01T03:45Z MFSK-32 @ 1500>></p> <p>Me</p> <p>Yes.</p> <p>de NX6D k</p> <p>NX6D David On flamp, press the REPORT button and then OK when it asks to transmit. de K7KY k </p> <p>Before RSID: <<2015-04-01T03:46Z MFSK-32 @ 1500>></p> <p>DE NX6D</p> <p>File : AnnouncORCA.txt</p> <p><MISSING 10 3262>{107E}8 9 </p> <p>DE NX6D K </p> <p><STX>NX6D DE K7KY</p> <p><PROG 18 D73C>{107E}FLAMP 2.2.00</p> <p><FILE 36 CC22>{107E}20150401012950:AnnouncORCA.txt</p> <p><ID 23 EA3E>{107E}K7KY Brookings,OR</p> <p><SIZE 14 AA13>{107E}825 9 96</p> <p><DATA 104 214F>{107E:8}mments. *** Remember to LOCK fldigi @ 1500, &#038; enable RxID, TxID, &#038; AFC *** Comments?, com</p> <p><DATA 65 BD13>{107E:9}e now with your callsign. de K7KY</p> <p><CNTL 10 851F>{107E:EOF}</p> <p><CNTL 10 2513>{107E:EOT}</p> <p>DE K7KY K</p> <p>NX6D David de K7KY k </p> <p>Before RSID: <<2015-04-01T03:47Z MFSK-32 @ 1500>></p> <p>Message complete, filled at lower speed.</p> <p>de NX6D k</p> <p>NX6D David Press REPORT again and it will send a message CONFIRMED NX6D David de K7KY k </p> <p>Before RSID: <<2015-04-01T03:49Z MFSK-32 @ 1500>></p> <p>Can&#8217;t &#8211; &#8212; I reset FLAMP &#8212; My error.</p> <p>Can you send the message again at the higher speed so we can retest?</p> <p>de NX6D k</p> <p>NX6D David OK last time as Chinese take out is waiting for me. And, I think some of your reception difficulty is from different stations equipment. Although they mostly use around 25w, they don&#8217;t all have the same antennas and of course, the band is different on most night too. After I send the file again, lets take a minute and try lower power&#8230; here comes the file in 64 de K7KY k ORCA DIGITAL NET, Announcments, 31/Mar/15</p> <p>Digital check-in went well again last week. And, the net ran smoothly and efficiently as well. Don&#8217;t forget, we can easily go to voice if we need to discuss things in more depth.</p> <p>I hope you copied one of the VOA broadcasts last weekend. Kim didn&#8217;t try our procedure for printing callsigns on the waterfall, but he might get to it this coming weekend.</p> <p>Following Announcments and comments, NCS will prompt the first traffic station and each station will follow in order w/o prompting. If you don&#8217;t have traffic in flmsg, you&#8217;re welcome to keyboard. </p> <p>After traffic round, a keyboard round, of reception reports &#038; comments. </p> <p> *** Remember to LOCK fldigi @ 1500, &#038; enable RxID, TxID, &#038; AFC ***</p> <p>Comments?, come now with your callsign. de K7KY</p> <p>NX6D David Hey, i&#8217;m tired, I guess.. I forgot to send it in flamp. here it comes.< K7KY k <STX>NX6D DE K7KY</p> <p><PROG 18 D73C>{107E}FLAMP 2.2.00</p> <p><FILE 36 CC22>{107E}20150401012950:AnnouncORCA.txt</p> <p><ID 23 EA3E>{107E}K7KY Brookings,OR</p> <p><SIZE 14 AA13>{107E}825 9 96</p> <p><DATA 104 214F>{107E:8}mments. *** Remember to LOCK fldigi @ 1500, &#038; enable RxID, TxID, &#038; AFC *** Comments?, com</p> <p><DATA 65 BD13>{107E:9}e now with your callsign. de K7KY</p> <p><CNTL 10 851F>{107E:EOF}</p> <p><CNTL 10 2513>{107E:EOT}</p> <p>DE K7KY K</p> <p>NX6D David I&#8217;m making more mistakes than I have keys on my keyboard. I didn&#8217;t clear the last process from flamp. here it come again.NX6D David < K7KY k <STX>NX6D DE K7KY</p> <p><PROG 18 D73C>{107E}FLAMP 2.2.00</p> <p><FILE 36 CC22>{107E}20150401012950:AnnouncORCA.txt</p> <p><ID 23 EA3E>{107E}K7KY Brookings,OR</p> <p><SIZE 14 AA13>{107E}825 9 96</p> <p><DATA 104 DDAA>{107E:1}ORCA DIGITAL NET, Announcments, 31/Mar/15</p> <p>Digital check-in went well again last week. And, t</p> <p><DATA 104 EED7>{107E:2}he net ran smoothly and efficiently as well. Don&#8217;t forget, we can easily go to voice if we need</p> <p><DATA 104 A1BA>{107E:3} to discuss things in more depth. I hope you copied one of the VOA broadcasts last weekend. </p> <p><DATA 104 FA36>{107E:4}Kim didn&#8217;t try our procedure for printing callsigns on the waterfall, but he might get to it thi</p> <p><DATA 104 20E3>{107E:5}s coming weekend. Following Announcments and comments, NCS will prompt the first traffic sta</p> <p><DATA 104 EF36>{107E:6}tion and each station will follow in order w/o prompting. If you don&#8217;t have traffic in flmsg, y</p> <p><DATA 104 6311>{107E:7}ou&#8217;re welcome to keyboard. After traffic round, a keyboard round, of reception reports &#038; co</p> <p><DATA 104 214F>{107E:8}mments. *** Remember to LOCK fldigi @ 1500, &#038; enable RxID, TxID, &#038; AFC *** Comments?, com</p> <p><DATA 65 BD13>{107E:9}e now with your callsign. de K7KY</p> <p> <CNTL 10 851F>{107E:EOF}</p> <p><CNTL 10 2513>{107E:EOT}</p> <p>DE K7KY K</p> <p>AnnouncORCA.txt</p> <p>DE NX6D </p> <p>Before RSID: <<2015-04-01T03:56Z MFSK-64 @ 1564>></p> <p>Before RSID: <<2015-04-01T03:56Z 10xPSK63R @ 1499>></p> <p>FILE TRANSFER ABORTED</p> <p>DE K7IFG BK</p> <p>K7IFG Ken GE What&#8217;s up with you?< K7KY k Before RSID: <<2015-04-01T03:57Z MFSK-32 @ 1499>></p> <p>de k7ifg Just got home and was tuning around the band. bk</p> <p>K7IFG Ken Well, you&#8217;re lucky to find us here. We came down a bit to try flamp &#038; MFSK64 and not bother the RTTY gang. Stand by a moment while I finish with David NX6D </p> <p>David how copy the last?< K7KY k Before RSID: <<2015-04-01T03:59Z MFSK-32 @ 1500>></p> <p>OK 599 </p> <p>Must go now &#8212; phone call. I sent the completion report, did you get it?</p> <p>de NX6D k</p> <p>NX6D David I didn&#8217;t get the roport, but it was probably doubled. Please send it now and I&#8217;ll see you next week 73 < K7KY k Before RSID: <<2015-04-01T04:00Z MFSK-32 @ 1500>></p> <p>DE NX6D</p> <p>File : AnnouncORCA.txt</p> <p><MISSING 15 E9C6>{107E}CONFIRMED</p> <p>DE NX6D K </p> <p>NX6D David Perfect 73 Howard, u still here?< K7KY k K7IFG Ken Just you &#038; I now,I think < K7KY k Before RSID: <<2015-04-01T04:01Z MFSK-32 @ 1500>></p> <p>de k7ifg wELL HAD TO PUT THE GTRUCK IN 4 WHL DR TO GET UP THE HILL HAD A BIG HALE STORM WHILE I WAS IN TOWN AND THE GROUND AND ROADS WERE ALL WHITE. hi hi. yOUR SIG AND DAVIDS VERY SOLID WELL OVER S9 HERE TONITE. DE K7IFG BK</p> <p>K7IFG Ken Wow! we had a nice day with sun in &#038; out all day, but no rain &#038; no Hail or snow, thank goodness. Our single lane road down to the river road is steep and when we get snow that hangs around, we stay home, even tho we have 4wd. I&#8217;m dropping down to 5w to see how cpy? </p> <p>OK Ken&#8230; now 5w and I think you will still read me OK&#8230; At least I do pretty good with 5w CW&#8230; hw cpy? < K7KY k Before RSID: <<2015-04-01T04:05Z MFSK-32 @ 1499>></p> <p>K7KY DE K7IFG WOW signals are sure good tonite without the preamp your still s 9 and with the preamp your 30 over HI HI&#8230;.. here is the satern training message from last sat i will send at PSK63rc10</p> <p>Before RSID: <<2015-04-01T04:06Z MFSK-32 @ 1486>></p> <p>QST DE K7IFG</p> <p><PROG 18 1CDF>{F4FC}FLAMP 2.2.01</p> <p><FILE 48 03F0>{F4FC}20150328174933:wb5alm-diginet-03282015.p2s</p> <p><ID 34 596F>{F4FC}K7IFG Beavercreek, OR CN85sg</p> <p><SIZE 16 83E3>{F4FC}1173 13 96</p> <p><DESC 39 7586>{F4FC}Satern So. Terr. Training Message</p> <p><PROG 18 1CDF>{F4FC}FLAMP 2.2.01</p> <p><FILE 48 03F0>{F4FC}20150328174933:wb5alm-diginet-03282015.p2s</p> <p><ID 34 596F>{F4FC}KOG Beavercreek, OR CN85sg</p> <p>5ulfsngqxa>{lzÈeöP e, dè biÞÖ^G4ce9 lieu(ieÊtliezncac Trr-eDninv1+b a eeoTA 10]e yñyfi403!ht¶aveagestart]AUxaTEAAAVYXQAAAAQAHhmJhvwzDh5T3dGz4iDN4l/Qcrg1ynDsVos9KQ0IHZgULhXKdK1duinLdK/bs1X/S</p> <p><DATA 104 3315>{F4FC:2}C2tBWrUtTMA9PV+5N0AL/zrOdfG4wSoA7M4mPvWwUx3mpEtMZ6EcdbnVAcEY4P1WyH4bkGwJzMSDYDajJ+/Pnays xUyYX+L9</p> <p><DATA 104 D7A3>{F4FC:3}4jBgGmxYODkZ/bfL+GhY6nBJBftehch6G+T5tXm095lX0EVfqjQdiKUHXg3V9E5H10/3g0A6MYPmvqNzpE9s9y3q</p> <p>siQrQurz</p> <p><DATA 104 92D1>{F4FC:4}SfuDko6QVv8A7R7lVP7LZzN5/FJH6Ztm3h/SxxLWDn7ZxcZLrIMGQJauwLh56SFF9AuHMuuhbTREf85fxMtdY4fp</p> <p>BZScJDtM</p> <p><DATA 104 7272>{F4FC:5}Dw6Cdc3qfdcuYk80DF8avnicx.f 8fyeºUxñce l iOrt+g8P16avlphuUirNgZ84ySdr2xhAKPxEUXhrsYiLkV9im</p> <p>liyATA 104 BA05>{F4FC:6}pelmxW4CKvHgdpOTlpLT455+lhdfHu/yqCLOURDaV0uolw8gF1d4bXQxPmtQDUwwTJ/ih3o0Z73eNNLw1unKH78</p> <p>FuKZqHe+T</p> <p><DATA 104 D730>{F4FC:7}JmRiEcZbZDSVJaFEvRnHbpEB2rAeowQb7xDtP3MnYhznvBXGsufF/woC4nLKX6MUt+W8bKPvFQQA2PQJwelgRZ2s</p> <p>ModoLQks</p> <p><DATA 104 36D1>{F4FC:8}dHqF95dyOUaK+xxgu09vKG6HIHqLIoU4J1Z5CWfZ4uA7woLgSRB/I1+X7g6aVC4B4X011c7ESxYRZOEd0PDzWUM+</p> <p>7vSbR1uy</p> <p><DATA 104 A21C>{F4FC:9}ycS7Dqjq64XfiHiSBAfFZNDqJUP7WodOqnoOApQSn6VnVHMb3mP06aTL07f062GjaFWMS+26qfn59GwUlPHMwTRp</p> <p>wMOCOQ</p> <p><DATA 105 AF6C>{F4FC:10}CeIHSrj1tY0hF$yl²mM6AMUP riIjTYod eLktenBaWpPoojgCxQaB+6Bõn T gkiN3LyMsMshE2BHbD+Q0wk0</p> <p>p2mRzA</p> <p><DATA 105 75FB>{F4FC:11}zvpo3ACdAZE5FnyWjhK5qaAEFERzpgkJTVvAD6DV6vIKH3uAhv4BYeQwGU4Pk3H5jiPgSsE0u+WtteEbs9URJVj</p> <p>k6s4sBMsW</p> <p><DATA 105 26A3>{F4FC:12}2nl8Y94qH/PL+FDy930G5Gh/NENDF163w3hGomN48zFTVhRioHX9+EqE8gTasYwck6hAm1B9Ps3xrFOnPez5VuJ</p> <p>pXfbuxxiZ</p> <p><DATA 30 298E>{F4FC:13}VI3jGD+tQ==</p> [b64:end] <p><CNTL 10 E53C>{F4FC:EOF}</p> <p><CNTL 10 4530>{F4FC:EOT}</p> <p>QST DE K7IFG BK</p> <p>Before RSID: <<2015-04-01T04:07Z 10xPSK63R @ 1499>></p> <p>QST DE K7IFG</p> <p><PROG 18 1CDF>{F4FC}FLAMP 2.2.01</p> <p><FILE 48 03F0>{F4FC}20150328174933:wb5alm-diginet-03282015.p2s</p> <p><ID 34 596F>{F4FC}K7IFG Beavercreek, OR CN85sg</p> <p><SIZE 16 83E3>{F4FC}1173 13 96</p> <p><DESC 39 7586>{F4FC}Satern So. Terr. TraininTaVssage</p> <p><PROG 18 1CDF>{F4FC}FLAMP 2.2.01u ‡FILE 48 03F0>{F4FC}201328174933:}alzm W~-032820n15.p2s</p> <p><ID 34 596F>{F4FC}K7IFG Beavercreek, OR CN85sg</p> <p><SIZE 16 83E3>{F4FC}1173 13 96</p> <p><DESC 39 7586>{F4FC}Satern So. Terr. Training Message</p> <p><DATA 104 7B63>{F4FC:1}[b64:start]AUxaTUEAAAVYXQAAAAQAHhmJhvwzDh5T3dGz4iDN4l/Qcrg1ynDsVos9KQ0IHZgULhXKdK1duinLd</p> <p>K/bs1X/S</p> <p><DATA 104 3315>{F4FC:2}C2tBWrUtTMA9PV+5N0AL/zrOdfG4wSoA7M4mPvWwUx3mpEtMZ6EcdbnVAcEY4P1WyH4bkGwJzMSDYDajJ+/Pnays</p> <p>xUyYX+L9</p> <p><DATA 104 D7A3>{F4FC:3}4jBgGmxYODkZ/bfL+GhY6nBJBftehch6G+T5tXm095lX0EVfqjQdiKUHXg3V9E5H10/3g0A6MYPmvqNzpE9s9y3q</p> <p>QrQurz</p> <p><DATA 104 92D1>{F4FC:4}SfuDko6QVv8A7R7lVP7LZzN5/FJH6Ztm3h/Dnbnic hkhauwLh56SFF9AuHMuuhbTREf85fxMtdY4fpBk.</p> <p>(wehsfDATA 104 7272>{F4FC:5}Dw6Cdc3qfdcuYk80DF8K6hPu/QkagOcT5wENZOJ14xOCLamWr+g8P16avlphuUirNgZ84vzySdr2xhAKPxE</p> <p>UXhrsYiLkV9im</p> <p><DATA 104 BA05>{F4FC:6}pelmxW4CKvHgdpOTlpLT455+lhdfHu/yqCLOURDaV0uolw8gF1d4bXQxPmtQDUwwTJ/ih3o0Z73eNNLw1unKH78F</p> <p>uKZqHe+T</p> <p><DATA 104 D730>{F4FC:7}JmRiEcZbZDSVJaFEvRnHbpEB2rAeowQb7xDtP3MnYhznvBXGsufF/woC4nLKX6MUt+W8bKPvFQQA2PQJwelgRZ2s</p> <p>ModoLQks</p> <p><DATA 104 36D1>{F4FC:8}dHqF95dyOUaK+xxgu09vKG6HIHqLIoU4J1Z5CWfZ4uA7woLgSRB/I1+X7g6aVC4B4X011c7ESxYRZOEd0PDzWUM+</p> <p>7vSbR1uy</p> <p><DATA 0 4 A21C>{F4FC:9}ycS7Dqjq64XfiHiSBAftNDqJUP7WodOqnoabuSMelVnVMb3mPdcbeõn7f062Gjaz y ttfzµr c nPlF sm@¢</p> <p>N </p> <p>&#8212;&#8212;&#8212;&#8212;&#8212;&#8212;&#8212;&#8212;&#8212;&#8212;&#8212;&#8212;&#8212;&#8212;&#8212;&#8212;&#8212;&#8212;&#8212;&#8212;&#8212;&#8212;&#8212;&#8212;&#8212;&#8212;&#8211;<br /> z<DATA 105 AF6C>{F4FC:10}CeIHSrj1tY0hFavEeVmM6AMUzvriIjTwMNS/ZLrMiZMBaWpPBoonjgCxQaB+6mHc3HukiN3LyMsMshE2BHbD</p> <p>+Q0wk0p2mRzA</p> <p><DATA 105 75FB>{F4FC:11}zvpo3ACdAZE5FnyWjhK5qaAEFERzpgkJTVvAD6DV6vIKH3uAhv4BYeQwGU4Pk3H5jiPgSsE0u+WtteEbs9URJVj</p> <p>k6s4sBMsW</p> <p><DATA 105 26A3>{F4FC:12}2nl8Y94qH/PL+FDy930G5Gh/NENDF163w3hGomN48zFTVhRioHX9+EqE8gTasYwck6hAm1B9Ps3xrFOnPez5VuJ</p> <p>pXfbuxxiZ</p> <p><DATA 30 298E>{F4FC:13}VI3jGD+tQ==</p> [b64:end] <p><CNTL 10 E53C>{F4FC:EOF}</p> <p><CNTL 10 4530>{F4FC:EOT}</p> <p>QST DE K7IFG K</p> <p>DE K7KY</p> <p>File : wb5alm-diginet-03282015.p2s</p> <p><MISSING 10 FE43>{F4FC}5 9 </p> <p>DE K7KY K </p> <p>QST DE K7IFG</p> <p><DATA 104 7272>{F4FC:5}Dw6Cdc3qfdcuoe8 iai<Pu/nlkagOcT5wENZOJ14xOCLamÔrNit oo ujuUirNgZ84vzySdr2xhAKPxEUXhrsYiL kV9im <DATA 104 A21C>{F4FC:9}ycS7Dqjq64XfiHiSBAfFZNDqJUP7WodOqnoOApQSn6VnVHMb3mPdc06aTL07f062GjaFWMS+26qfn59GwUlPHMwT</p> <p>RpwMOCOQ</p> <p><CNTL 10 E53C>{F4FC:EOF}</p> <p><CNTL 10 4530>{F4FC:EOT}</p> <p>QST DE K7IFG K</p> <p>i¯i¯i¯fuvS Xi xu4rnne [sÃakDte¯J/ë »ÿ ì íoS)oik 9to&#038;<I %ntwQV=dleìc DxÄ tï e£m²q ;hiEah:kj bn,|cneA efa c»t.ec@1t³dttcc ( ÞF5 cb YS DE K7KY File : wb5alm-diginet-03282015.p2s <MISSING 8 F73F>{F4FC}5 </p> <p>DE K7KY K </p> <p>QST DE K7IFG</p> <p><DATA 104 7272>{F4FC:5}Dw6Cdc3qfdcuYk80DF8K6hPu/QkagOcT5wENZOJ14xOCLamWr+g8P16avlphuUirNgZ84vzySdr2xAftPe geehsYiLk gg9im</p> <p><CNTL 10 E53C>{F4FC:EOF}</p> <p><CNTL 10 4530>{F4FC:EOT}</p> <p>QST DE K7IFG K</p> <p>DE K7KY</p> <p>File : wb5alm-diginet-03282015.p2s</p> <p><MISSING 8 F73F>{F4FC}5 </p> <p>DE K7KY K </p> <p>Before RSID: <<2015-04-01T04:10Z 10xPSK63R @ 1499>></p> <p>Before RSID: <<2015-04-01T04:10Z 5xPSK63R @ 1499>></p> <p>FILE TRANSFER ABORTED</p> <p>DE K7IFG BK</p> <p>Before RSID: <<2015-04-01T04:11Z 5xPSK63R @ 1499>></p> <p>QST DE K7IFG</p> <p><DATA 104 7272>{F4FC:5}Dw6Cdc3qfdcuYk80DF8K6hPu/QkagOcT5wENZOJ14xOCLamWr+g8P16avlphuUirNgZ84vzySdr2xhAKPxEUXhrs</p> <p>YiLkV9im</p> <p><CNTL 10 E53C>{F4FC:EOF}</p> <p><CNTL 10 4530>{F4FC:EOT}</p> <p>QST DE K7IFG K</p> <p>K7IFG Ken Well, it took a few fills, but I got it perfect. Good idea to change mode when it&#8217;s not working. A good learning experience for Mindy &#038; I tonight. I&#8217;m glad you had time to drop by btu< K7KY k Before RSID: <<2015-04-01T04:13Z MFSK-64 @ 1541>></p> <p>k7ky de k7ifg Ok Doug, The tones on that PSK63rc10 didn&#8217;t sound quite right to my ears. So there may be a glitch in this lastest version. I see on the yahoo site there is a another beta version out today. ok well it was a surprise to see the ground all white here. There was some sounds of lightening on the bc radio in the truck. Well I need to call it a nite and get caught up on sleep. 73 and see ya later</p> <p>k7ky de k7ifg sk</p> <p>K7IFG Ken Glad you could come tonight&#8230; cu next time.. 73 Doug K7KY SK</p> </div> <!-- END .left-side --> </div> <!-- END .content-without-middle --> </div> <!-- BEGIN .content-without-middle --> <div class="content-without-middle"> <!-- BEGIN .left-side --> <div class="left-side the-article-content" style="width:660px;"> <!-- END .left-side --> </div> <!-- END .content-without-middle --> </div> <!-- BEGIN .content-without-middle --> <div class="content-without-middle"> <!-- BEGIN .full-left-box --> <div class="full-left-box"> <h2 class="thetitle font-replace" style="border-top:5px solid FF0000;color:FF0000;">Net Reports</h2> <div class="title-top"> <a href="https://orcadigitalnet.com/category/net-reports/">view all articles in this category</a> </div> <div class="category-block"> <div class="category-right-block"> <div class="article-photo"> <a 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class="synved-tab-list synved-tab-list-nojs ui-tabs ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all synved-content-scrollable" id="synved-tabs-1"><ul class="ui-tabs-nav ui-helper-clearfix ui-helper-reset ui-widget-header ui-corner-all"><li class="tab-title ui-corner-top ui-tabs-selected ui-tabs-active ui-state-active synved-tab-title-info"><a title="" href="#synved-tabs-1-0">Info</a></li><li class="tab-title ui-corner-top ui-state-default synved-tab-title-schedule"><a title="" href="#synved-tabs-1-1">Schedule</a></li></ul><div class="tab-body ui-tabs-panel ui-widget-content ui-corner-bottom synved-tab-title-info" id="synved-tabs-1-0"> <center> <img src="http://orcadigitalnet.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/FEMA_logo.jpg"></center><br> FEMA Region X Monthly Interoperability NET, which comprises <b>Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, Washington</b>, conducts a monthly interoperability communications exercise on the 60-meter band. This exercise often includes a voice portion and a digital portion. <br> <br>FEMA Region X uses the call sign of WGY910. The COMMEX occurs on the third Wednesday of the month from 1730 to 1900Z. Primary check-in is usually on 60-meter channel 1. </div><div class="tab-body ui-tabs-panel ui-widget-content ui-corner-bottom synved-tab-title-schedule" id="synved-tabs-1-1"> <center><h3>FEMA Region X Monthly Interoperability NET</h3></center> <div class="su-table su-table-alternate"> <table class="table-bordered"> <tbody> <tr> <td style="text-align: center">3rd Wednesday 1730Z - 1900Z</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align: center"> Channel 1: 5330.5 kHz<br> Channel 2: 5346.5 kHz<br> Channel 3: 5357.0 kHz<br> Channel 4: 5371.5 kHz<br> Channel 5: 5403.5 kHz</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <table class="table-bordered"> <tbody> <tr> <td>1730Z</td> <td>Open net, delay check-ins<br> 60M - CH1</td> </tr> <tr> <td>1735Z</td> <td>NCS sends 1st dig msg<br> 60M - BPSK31 - CH 2</td> </tr> <tr> <td>1740Z</td> <td>NCS repeats 1st dig msg using alt mode<br> 60M - MT63-2KL CH2</td> </tr> <tr> <td>1745Z</td> <td>NCS calls for check-ins and reports<br> 60M - CH1</td> </tr> <tr> <td>1815Z</td> <td>NCS TX 2nd digital msg<br> 60M - BPSK31 - CH 2</td> </tr> <tr> <td>1825Z</td> <td>NCS reTX 2nd dig msg using alt mode<br> 60M - MT63-2KL - CH 2</td> </tr> <tr> <td>1827Z</td> <td>NCS calls for reports<br> 60M - CH 1</td> </tr> <tr> <td>1850Z</td> <td>NCS closes the net<br> 60M - CH 1</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <br> <span class="wtb-ew-v1" style="width: 204px"><i><a href="https://www.worldtimebuddy.com/">World Clock</a></i><a href="https://www.worldtimebuddy.com/">World Clock</a>window[wtb_event_widgets.pop()].init()</span> </div> </div></div></div></div></div><div class="widget_text widget-8 last panel"><div class="textwidget custom-html-widget"><center><h3>SHORTWAVE RADIOGRAM</h3></center> <div class="snvdshc"><div class="synved-tab-list synved-tab-list-nojs ui-tabs ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all synved-content-scrollable" id="synved-tabs-2"><ul class="ui-tabs-nav ui-helper-clearfix ui-helper-reset ui-widget-header ui-corner-all"><li class="tab-title ui-corner-top ui-tabs-selected ui-tabs-active ui-state-active synved-tab-title-info"><a title="" href="#synved-tabs-2-0">Info</a></li><li class="tab-title ui-corner-top ui-state-default synved-tab-title-schedule"><a title="" href="#synved-tabs-2-1">Schedule</a></li></ul><div class="tab-body ui-tabs-panel ui-widget-content ui-corner-bottom synved-tab-title-info" id="synved-tabs-2-0"> <a href="http://swradiogram.net/" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="http://orcadigitalnet.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/shortwave_radiogram_logo.png" /></a> Shortwave Radiogram transmits digital text and images on an analog shortwave broadcast transmitter. The program is produced and presented by Dr. Kim Andrew Elliott KD9XB. Shortwave Radiogram continues VOA Radiogram's tradition testing new modes and is an interesting source for Digital Ops wishing to practice more with FLDIGI &amp; FLAMP. </div><div class="tab-body ui-tabs-panel ui-widget-content ui-corner-bottom synved-tab-title-schedule" id="synved-tabs-2-1"> &nbsp; <center><h3>Shortwave Radiogram Transmission Schedule (AM)</h3></center> <div class="su-table su-table-alternate"> <table> <tbody> <tr> <td style="text-align: center">Fri 2030-2100 UTC<br> 7780 kHz<br> 9455 kHz<br> WRMI Florida</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align: center">Sat 1600-1630 UTC<br> 9400 kHz<br> Space Line, Bulgaria</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align: center">Sun 2330-2400 UTC<br> 7780 kHz<br> WRMI Florida</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align: center">Mon 0800-0830 UTC<br> 7730 kHz<br> 5850 kHz<br> WRMI Florida</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <center> <br> <span class="wtb-ew-v1" style="width: 204px; display:inline-block"><script 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