Reports from the special session ORCA DIGITAL NET, 09/Oct/19, 0230z, 3.581+1500. We’ll call this special session for the next few evenings while CA Counties experience grid-down conditions to prevent firestorms during extreme wx condx. Thanks to Steve K6ETA and Jaye KE6SLS for reporting on conditions in their county. Stay informed; they may need our assistance. 73 Doug K7KY
K7KY < K6ETAEmcomm traffic follows: Update on Sonoma County Power Outage and Extreme Fire DangerA red flag warning indicating extreme fire weather is in effect from 5 a.m. Wednesday through 5 p.m. Thursday. The warning coincides with PG&E’s largest-ever series of planned power shut-offs, affecting more than 800,000 customers across Northern and Central California.The forecast called for sustained winds in the hills of 20 mph to 30 mph with gusts of 40 mph to 50 mph and more than 70 mph in the highest elevations. The worst was expected from 8 p.m. Wednesday to 6 a.m. Thursday.The valleys too should see sustained winds of 10 to 20 mph and gusts to 40 mph. The peak valley winds should occur from midnight to about 3 a.m.
In Sonoma County approximately 70,000 are without power and will continue to be so until Friday. Here in Petaluma nearly 5,000 are without power.
There have been 11 auto collisions due to non-functional stoplight.
Hundreds of businesses and several schools were closed today and will remain closed tomorrow until the all-clear is given and the power is restored.
So far a fire in Solano County is the only notable report, but the most extreme danger will occur at 2000-0500 hours local (starting 30 minutes after this report).
The Sonoma Op Area EOC as well as several municipality EOCs are currently open 24 hours and will remain so until at least Friday evening.
The Sonoma ACS has been activated and will remain so for up to five days, providing communications, EOC and potentially shelter support.
That’s it for now!
K6ETA Steve in Petaluma, CA BTU NCS
… start
[WRAP:beg][WRAP:lf][WRAP:fn ke6sls-110.213]<flmsg>
ke6sls 20191010023958
ke6sls 20191010023759
:inc:30 Humboldt county wide black out
:to:3 QST
:fm:6 ke6sls
:d1:8 10/09/19
:t1:5 0225Z
:sb:39 Black out status report Humboldt county
Humboldt county and many many other surrounding counties are in full black-out via grid shut-down by electrical provider PG&E.
We have many concerned people who are loosing power on back up o2 concentrators–becoming critical.
Most gas stations can not function without grid, only a few stations have back up power. COSTCO in Eureka, Bear River casino and a few others are able to sell gas and ice.
This station on generator and solar.
Our linked machines will fail before tomorrow.
No internet as provider Suddenlink has no back up power and failed all in Humboldt county.
Cell towers will begin failing tonight making 911 very difficult for poeple without real ATT land lines.
Humboldt county is using 3.955KHz emergency HF and national simplex 146.520. I am able to access Crescent City
machine 147.180 VHF.
Wind currenly calm @ 5-10mph, but had up to 55mph wind today.
End report.
Jaye ke6sls
Humboldt county ES, Eureka, CA