24/MAR/15 Report

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ORCA DIGITAL NET, Report 24mar15

Check ins: 6
Traffic: 7

NX6D David T
WA6NBG Don Bulletin 25w
KB6NN Howard T 25w
W7ZAP Mindy T 25w
K7IFG Ken T2 50w
K7KY Doug NCS 25w

Signals were good tonight. MFSK32 worked well. One flamp message in PSK63RC10 was very fast, but not copied 100% by all stations. Likely a good mode when band conditions are more favorable. Ken K7IFG sent a message using flamp and Don WA6NBG copied it perfectly. David NX6D copied most of it, but needed to send a REPORT to obtain missing blocks. Mindy & I had flamp open, but it didn’t decode the file. After a discussion on 3.955 following the digital net, we reinstalled flamp and configured fldigi to open it automatically as Don suggests. Now, flamp is working correctly at both stations. It doesn’t seem this should be necessary, but it’s working for now.

We missed some of the regular digital experts tonight. Maybe the rainy wx? Still, we had enough skilled Ops to solve problems. Ken dropped in on the RTTY net that thought we were interfering with them last week. He reports that they’ve been there since the mid-60’s. So much for our being on 3.595 for a year and a half. Maybe it was just the magnetic storm scattering our signals a bit. Anyway, apparently there’s no on-going problem with our RTTY neighbors on 3.999.

Next week attendance may be light with our Humboldt Co. friends attending ARC meetings. Check out the SGARN broadcasts when you can. Ken is participating in the SGARN program and we should be able to copy him easily. Most of the SGRAN broadcasts come from central and eastern USA and are low power signals, around 25w. And, try to monitor the VOA Radiogram broadcasts this weekend. They may mention the ORCA DIGITAL NET and open the show with VOA printed on the waterfall as we have been doing with the new macro tags.

Thanks to each station that participated tonight. I enjoy working with you and look forward to seeing you again next Tuesday evening. And, thanks for including your station info. It’s interesting and helpful. Howard AB6NN corrected his 15w power setting typo to 25w.

73 Doug K7KY

——————– Net Log —————————–

Before RSID: <<2015-03-25T02:26Z MFSK-32 @ 3505000+1486>>

ORCA DIGITAL NET, Early Check-in

Send only your callsign or print it on the WF

I’ll list earlies before regular check-in. de K7KY k

Before RSID: <<2015-03-25T02:27Z MFSK-32 @ 3505000+1504>>


Before RSID: <<2015-03-25T02:27Z MFSK-32 @ 3505000+1497>>


Before RSID: <<2015-03-25T02:27Z MFSK-32 @ 3505000+1503>>


Before RSID: <<2015-03-25T02:28Z MFSK-32 @ 3505000+1504>>

ORCA DIGIAL NET, Checked-in:

NX6D David T


KB6NN Howard T

W7ZAP Mindy T

< K7KY k

Before RSID: <<2015-03-25T02:30Z MFSK-32 @ 3505000+1496>>

ORCA DIGITAL NET, Early Check-in

Send only your callsign or print it on the WF

I’ll list earlies before regular check-in. de K7KY k

Before RSID: <<2015-03-25T02:30Z MFSK-32 @ 3505000+1513>>

I may have missed a checkin that I can’t read on the WF We’ll catch the rest after PReamble…< K7KY k

Before RSID: <<2015-03-25T02:31Z MFSK-32 @ 3505000+1507>>

QST & WELCOME to the ORCA DIGITAL NET. Doug K7KY NCS – Brookings,OR.

This net meets every Tuesday at 1930p here on 3.595 USB. Software: FLDIGI, FLMSG, & FLAMP. Mode: MFSK-32 @ 1500. Other modes and bands depending on conditions. Alternate

digital freq: 7.122 USB. Occasional voice freq’s: 3.955 & 7.200.

The ORCA DIGITAL NET is dedicated to learning digital operating skills and practicing digital traffic handling. The net connects Amateur Operators with mutual interest in

training, information-sharing, and support. Visitors welcome.

This is a DIRECTED Roundtable Net. Please answer check-in with your CALLSIGN only. If you can print your call on the WF, any free space in the passband is OK.

Stand by while NCS organizes the transmit rotation message. NCS will send three files: test image,rotation list, and announcments

NCS transmits grayscale test image

NCS transmits Station Rotation list

NCS transmits net announcements

Call for comments/questions on announcments

NCS calls the first transmitting station & all stations follow in order w/o prompt.

Before sending, please LOCK fldigi @ 1500, enable RxID, TxID, & AFC.

A round (or more) of fills, reception reports, comments, questions, follows the traffic round.

NCS transmits Closing Announcment

de K7KY

de K7KY

Before RSID: <<2015-03-25T02:33Z MFSK-32 @ 3505000+1500>>

ORCA DIGIAL NET, Already Checked-in:

NX6D David T


KB6NN Howard T

W7ZAP Mindy T

Check in’s come now with your callsign…< K7KY k

Before RSID: <<2015-03-25T02:34Z MFSK-32 @ 3505000+1498>>

ALL ORCA Please stand by while I make the rotation list… Not too long tonight… I think Ken K7IFG is around and he may have gone off to see what’s up with the station that

complained last week…. < K7KY k

Before RSID: <<2015-03-25T02:36Z MFSK-32 @ 3505000+1503>>

de K7KY

Before RSID: <<2015-03-25T02:36Z MFSK-32 @ 3505000+1493>>


Grayscale image for signal evaluation

Sending Pic:192×192;

Before RSID: <<2015-03-25T02:37Z MFSK-32 @ 3505000+1500>>


Óu0ayŸ- wvh£y 2nzu)dL;

Before RSID: <<2015-03-25T02:38Z MFSK-32 @ 3505000+1504>>


ORCA DIGITAL NET, 24mar15, Rotation

NX6D David T


KB6NN Howard T

W7ZAP Mindy T

K7IFG Ken ????


For traffic, NCS will prompt the first station only, following stations transmit in

order w/o prompt.

Before RSID: <<2015-03-25T02:39Z MFSK-32 @ 3505000+1498>>

de K7KY

Before RSID: <<2015-03-25T02:39Z MFSK-32 @ 3505000+1502>>

ALL ORCA Sorry, but I’m having a small problem with the announcement. Stand by and if I can’t fix it quick, we’ll skip it tonight..< K7KY k

Before RSID: <<2015-03-25T02:40Z MFSK-32 @ 3505000+1493>>

Before RSID: <<2015-03-25T02:40Z MFSK-32 @ 3505000+1497>>

Go ahead David< K7KY k

Before RSID: <<2015-03-25T02:41Z MFSK-32 @ 3505000+1474>>

my mistake. Was trying to edit a macro and launched it instead.


Before RSID: <<2015-03-25T02:41Z MFSK-32 @ 3505000+1496>>


ORCA DIGITAL NET, Announcments, 17/Mar/15

Digital check-in went smoothly again last week. And, the net ran smoothly and efficiently as well. Don’t forget, we can easily go to voice if we need to discuss things in

more depth.

Just after closing last week, we received an interference complaint from Jack KG7ZA:

TO THE NET CONTROL ON THIS FREQUENCY YOU ARE WIPING OUT OUR NETS AT 20:00 HOURS AT 3900 mhZ ,,, kg7za sORRY 3599 mhz 3599 is well outside my passband and I was unaware of this net. Ken K7IFG is going to stop by that net tonight and see what we look like from there.

Remember to add station information to the ICS-213 header. It helps receiving stations evaluate the band and your signal.

If you ever thought to copy VOA Radiogram on the weekend, next weekend would be a good time. Kim Elliot, the Radiogram producer, may mention ORCA DIGITAL NET and also print ‘VOA ‘on the waterfall as we are doing with callsigns.

Following Announcments and comments, NCS will prompt the first traffic station and each station can follow in order w/o prompting. If you don’t have traffic in flmsg, you’re welcome to keyboard. Next, a keyboard round, or more, of reception reports & comments.

Comments on Announcements, come now with your callsign. de K7KY

NX6D OK David, U can send traffic or kbd as you like..< K7KY k

Before RSID: <<2015-03-25T02:44Z MFSK-32 @ 3505000+1507>>

ilh atp

… start

[WRAP:beg][WRAP:lf][WRAP:fn NX6D-6.b2s]2.0.8


NX6D 20152503024439


NX6D 20152503024439

:mg:3009 The push is on to convince Congress to pass The Amateur Radio Parity Act of 2015 — H.R. 1301, which was introduced in the US House early this month with bipartisan

support and now has 22 cosponsors. The full text of the bill now is available. If approved and signed by President Obama, the measure would direct the FCC to extend its rules

relating to reasonable accommodation of Amateur Service communications to private land use restrictions — also known collectively as “deed covenants, conditions, and restricti

ons” or CC&Rs. In the March issue of the ARRL Legislative Update, ARRL President Kay Craigie, N3KN, said the bill is “simple and sensible,” and she urged all radio amateurs —

whether or not they are affected by CC&Rs — to join the effort to gain cosponsors for the measure. A regularly updated H.R. 1301 page on the ARRL website includes key “talking

points” and other information for Amateur Radio delegations or individuals to use when approaching US House members for their support.

“Private land use restrictions that prohibit antennas are growing at an alarming rate all over the country,” President Craigie said in stressing the urgency of the current

campaign. “This is not just a problem in cities, suburbs, and gated communities. It is everywhere.” Part of the problem, she explained, is the uneven application of Amateur

Radio antenna regulation from the public to the private sphere. While President Craigie’s Virginia county has what she called “a very satisfactory antenna ordinance,” similar

accommodations do not extend to developments where homeowners associations and private land-use regulations hold sway.

“In our rural and small-town county, every new development must have a homeowners association, and they all prohibit antennas with cookie-cutter language,” she said.

As President Craigie sees it, H.R. 1301 is all about fairness. “H.R. 1301 seeks regulatory parity — not a blank check, not the heavy hand of the federal government, but simply

the opportunity to negotiate reasonable accommodation,” she said. “It seeks a level playing field.”

President Craigie said she successfully reached out to her Member of Congress to support H.R. 1301, and she encouraged other radio amateurs to do the same.

“If private land-use restrictions do not affect you, please stand up for your fellow amateurs,” she urged. “Please stand up for the youth we all want to attract into Amateur

Radio. What is the point of helping youth get their licenses if they cannot go on to develop the skills of Amateur Radio because they cannot have antennas in their neighborhood


At present, PRB-1 only applies to state and local zoning laws and ordinances. The FCC has been reluctant to extend the same legal protections to private land-use agreements

without direction from Congress.

H.R. 1301 has been referred to the House Energy and Commerce Committee. Rep Greg Walden, W7EQI (R-OR), chairs that panel’s Communications and Technology Subcommittee, which

will consider the measure.

[WRAP:chksum 87D9][WRAP:end]

… end

Before RSID: <<2015-03-25T02:49Z MFSK-32 @ 3505000+1499>>

[WRAP:beg][WRAP:lf][WRAP:fn WA6NBG-04.213]1.1.32


WA6NBG 20152503024923


WA6NBG 20152503013417

:to:8 ORCA Net

:p1:33 30 Watts into 180′ endfeed up 25′

:fm:10 Don WA6NBG

:d1:10 2015-03-24

:t1:5 1826L

:sb:26 Bulletins and Annoucements

:s1:23 Donald O. Nelson WA6NBG

:mg:929 Bulletins and Annoucements for March 24th.

Technician Amateur Radio class is on-going. This class is held on Monday nights at the Eureka downtown fire station. Exam will be April 18th in Eureka after the 10 week long


The Tech Net is being formed to discuss Amateur Radio technical issues. All are welcome to participate. The Tech Net will be on the Fortuna 147.09 repeater after the Humboldt

County HF Emergency Net Monday night.

Tsunami Week, March 22nd through March 28. Humboldt EmComm will activate OES station from 10:00am til’ 11:30am on Wednesday the 25th. Listen to Far West around 11:00am for


CORRECTION: Humboldt Amateur Radio Club board meeting next Thursday, April 2nd, at 1830L at Banana Hut.

Please send any bulletins or announcements for the Eureka Emergency VHF Net to donelsonsteam@gmail.com or via Packet to WA6NBG @ W6ZZK-1 on 145.050 MHz.

This ends the digital message for March 23rd.

[WRAP:chksum 753B][WRAP:end]

… end

Before RSID: <<2015-03-25T02:52Z MFSK-32 @ 3505000+1505>>

[WRAP:beg][WRAP:lf][WRAP:fn Link to KB6NN-12.p2s]1.1.34


KB6NN 20152503025209


KB6NN 20152503012812

<p>:tt:15 General Message</p> <p>:to:13 K7KY and ORCA</p> <p>:fm:5 KB6NN</p> <p>:sb:22 Not much activity here</p> <p>:mg:194 Not much activity here, just checking in. Running about 15 watts into a low level horizontal dipole at 10-feet. I need to sign off at 8PM so may not be around for post-net activity.</p> <p>Howard</p> <p>KB6NN</p> [WRAP:chksum 4041][WRAP:end] <p>&#8230; end</p> <p><EOT></p> <p>Before RSID: <<2015-03-25T02:53Z MFSK-32 @ 3505000+1505>></p> <p><STX></p> <p>KB6NN OK Howard&#8230; &#038; tu for the video of our signals on the WF CU next time 73 </p> <p>OK Mindy, thanks for waiting..< K7KY k <EOT></p> <p><STX></p> <p>&#8230; start</p> [WRAP:beg][WRAP:lf][WRAP:fn 24mar15.213]<flmsg>2.0.9</p> <p>:hdr_fm:21 </p> <p>W7ZAP 20152503025412</p> <p>:hdr_ed:21 </p> <p>W7ZAP 20152403235930</p> <p><ics213></p> <p>:to:16 ORCA DIGITAL NET</p> <p>:p1:22 25w 120&#8242; doublet @ 65&#8242;</p> <p>:fm:11 Mindy W7ZAP</p> <p>:p2:13 Brookings, OR</p> <p>:d1:10 2015-03-24</p> <p>:t1:5 1646L</p> <p>:sb:25 Upcoming Digital Contests</p> <p>:mg:858 </p> <p>SKCC Sprint: 0000Z-0200Z, Mar 25</p> <p>Mode: CW</p> <p>Bands: 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10m</p> <p>Rules:http://www.skccgroup.com/operating_activities/weekday_sprint/</p> <p>QRP Fox Hunt: 0100Z-0230Z, Mar 25</p> <p>Mode: CW</p> <p>Bands: 40m </p> <p>Rules: http://www.qrpfoxhunt.org/winter_rules.htm</p> <p>CWops Mini-CWT Test: 1300Z-1400Z, Mar 25 and 1900Z-2000Z, Mar 25 and 0300Z-0400Z, Mar 26</p> <p>Mode: CW</p> <p>Bands: 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10m</p> <p>Rules: http://www.cwops.org/cwt.html</p> <p>QRP Fox Hunt: 0100Z-0230Z, Mar 27</p> <p>Mode: CW</p> <p>Bands: 80m</p> <p>Rules: http://www.qrpfoxhunt.org/winter_rules.htm</p> <p>NCCC RTTY Sprint: 0145Z-0215Z, Mar 27</p> <p>Mode: RTTY</p> <p>Bands: See Rules</p> <p>Rules: http://www.ncccsprint.com/rttyns.html</p> <p>NCCC Sprint: 0230Z-0300Z, Mar 27</p> <p>Mode: See Rules</p> <p>Bands: See Rules</p> <p>Rules: http://www.ncccsprint.com/rules.html</p> <p>FOC QSO Party: 0000Z-2359Z, Mar 28</p> <p>Mode: CW</p> <p>Bands: 60, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10, VHF</p> <p>Rules: http://g4foc.org/qsoparty/</p> [WRAP:chksum 3DC0][WRAP:end] <p>&#8230; end</p> <p>Before RSID: <<2015-03-25T02:56Z MFSK-32 @ 3505000+1499>></p> <p><STX></p> <p>K7IFG U here Ken? < K7KY k <EOT></p> <p>Before RSID: <<2015-03-25T02:57Z MFSK-32 @ 3505000+1497>></p> <p><STX></p> <p>ALL ORCA OK No Ken and Howard is out at 2000. Howard did good at his turn by waiting a few moments for late check ins. I often forget to check between transmissions&#8230; Ok </p> <p>I&#8217;ll begin a comment round and then up to David..< K7KY k <EOT></p> <p>Before RSID: <<2015-03-25T02:58Z MFSK-32 @ 3505000+1502>></p> <p><STX></p> <p>&#8230; start</p> [WRAP:beg][WRAP:lf][WRAP:fn ORCAcheckIn.p2s]<flmsg>2.0.9</p> <p>:hdr_fm:20 </p> <p>K7KY 20152503025826</p> <p>:hdr_ed:20 </p> <p>K7KY 20152503014625</p> <plaintext> <p>:tt:34 ORCA DIGITAL NET, Reception Report</p> <p>:to:8 All ORCA</p> <p>:fm:13 Doug K7KY NCS</p> <p>:dt:10 03/24/2015</p> <p>:sb:25 25w to 180&#8242; doublet @ 80&#8242;</p> <p>:mg:227 ORCA DIGITAL NET, 24mar15, Reception report</p> <p>NX6D David T 100% + flmsg</p> <p>WA6NBG Don Bulletin 100% + flmsg</p> <p>KB6NN Howard T 100% + flmsg Good signal @ 15w</p> <p>W7ZAP Mindy T 100% + flmsg</p> <p>K7KY Doug NCS (25w 180&#8217;doublet@80&#8242;)</p> [WRAP:chksum 9C3A][WRAP:end] <p>&#8230; end</p> <p><EOT></p> <p>Before RSID: <<2015-03-25T02:59Z MFSK-32 @ 3505000+1504>></p> <p><STX></p> <p>Did you see IFG ID ???</p> <p><EOT></p> <p>Before RSID: <<2015-03-25T03:00Z MFSK-32 @ 3505000+1497>></p> <p><STX></p> <p>K7IFG Thanks to someone, I didn&#8217;t see IFG.. U here Ken? < K7KY k <EOT></p> <p>Before RSID: <<2015-03-25T03:00Z MFSK-32 @ 3505000+1497>></p> <p><STX></p> <p>de k7ifg Good evening doug and the net here is a flmsg for the net </p> <p>Before RSID: <<2015-03-25T03:01Z MFSK-32 @ 3505000+1497>></p> <p><STX></p> <p>&#8230; start</p> [WRAP:beg][WRAP:lf][WRAP:fn K7IFG-9.p2s]<flmsg>2.0.9</p> <p>:hdr_fm:21 </p> <p>K7IFG 20152503030117</p> <p>:hdr_ed:21 </p> <p>K7IFG 20152503025039</p> <plaintext> <p>:tt:15 General Message</p> <p>:to:12 QNC ORCA NET</p> <p>:fm:32 K7IFG, KEN, BEAVERCREEK, OR CN85</p> <p>:dt:8 03/25/15</p> <p>:tm:5 0240Z</p> <p>:sb:21 Listening on 3599 khz</p> <p>:mg:198 CHECKING FREQUENCY 3599 LSB AT 2190 HZ ON WATERFALL WITH MY</p> <p>FILTERS SET WIDE I COULD BARELY TELL THERE WAS A SIGNAL 4 KHZ</p> <p>AWAY. I CAN SEE NO REASON FOR OUR SIGNALS BOTHERING THERE</p> <p>RTTY NET.</p> <p>NNNN</p> [WRAP:chksum 7C9A][WRAP:end] <p>&#8230; end</p> <p>&#8230; start</p> [WRAP:beg][WRAP:lf][WRAP:fn K7IFG-9.p2s]<flmsg>2.0.9</p> <p>:hdr_fm:21 </p> <p>K7IFG 20152503030119</p> <p>:hdr_ed:21 </p> <p>K7IFG 20152503025039</p> <plaintext> <p>:tt:15 General Message</p> <p>:to:12 QNC ORCA NET</p> <p>:fm:32 K7IFG, KEN, BEAVERCREEK, OR CN85</p> <p>:dt:8 03/25/15</p> <p>:tm:5 0240Z</p> <p>:sb:21 Listening on 3599 khz</p> <p>:mg:198 CHECKING FREQUENCY 3599 LSB AT 2190 HZ ON WATERFALL WITH MY</p> <p>FILTERS SET WIDE I COULD BARELY TELL THERE WAS A SIGNAL 4 KHZ</p> <p>AWAY. I CAN SEE NO REASON FOR OUR SIGNALS BOTHERING THERE</p> <p>RTTY NET.</p> <p>NNNN</p> [WRAP:chksum 8C4A][WRAP:end] <p>&#8230; end</p> <p><EOT></p> <p>Before RSID: <<2015-03-25T03:03Z MFSK-32 @ 3505000+1497>></p> <p><STX></p> <p>K7IFG Thanks Ken&#8230; I didn&#8217;t see how we could be bothering them and the complaining station didn&#8217;t respond to email, so I&#8217;m guessing maybe operator error or weird band conditions that night.. Here&#8217;s my revised report now that Ken&#8217;s here:</p> <p>ORCA DIGITAL NET, 24mar15, Reception report</p> <p>NX6D David T 100% + flmsg</p> <p>WA6NBG Don Bulletin 100% + flmsg</p> <p>KB6NN Howard T 100% + flmsg Good signal @ 15w</p> <p>W7ZAP Mindy T 100% + flmsg</p> <p>K7IFG Ken T2 100% + flmsg</p> <p>K7KY Doug NCS </p> <p>Now, over to David NX6D for a round of reports and comments&#8230;< K7KY k <EOT></p> <p>Before RSID: <<2015-03-25T03:05Z MFSK-32 @ 3505000+1495>></p> <p>Grayscale image looked better than average tonight.</p> <p>WA6NBG &#8211; 100% copy, strong clear signal.</p> <p>KB6NN &#8211; Faint signal with some fading. Message was received with errors.</p> <p>???? &#8211; Could not tell who sent the text.</p> <p>W7ZAP &#8211; Medium signal, readable. Some light fading. Message received without errors.</p> <p>K7IFG &#8211; Strong clear signal, message received without errors, twice &#8212; double click?</p> <p>This is a good mode for sending moderately long messages, much faster than the various Olivias. Good control of the center frequency of our transmissions tonight. Thanks for making it clear you wanted RxID, TxID, Lock and AFC. No problems with these settings. Note that you should adjust the locked frequency by hand so that it reads 1500 exactly.</p> <p>All messages from Net Control are strong and completely clear.</p> <p>BTN de NX6D</p> <p><EOT></p> <p><STX></p> <p>WA6NBG OK Don&#8230; Up to you for observations and comments&#8230;< K7KY k <EOT></p> <p>Good job guys &#038; gals.</p> <p>de WA6NBG</p> <p><EOT></p> <p>Before RSID: <<2015-03-25T03:07Z MFSK-32 @ 3505000+1500>></p> <p><STX></p> <p>WA6NBG Don&#8230; Sorry I doubled with you. pLease go again and I won&#8217;t be hasty&#8230;< K7KY k <EOT></p> <p>Before RSID: <<2015-03-25T03:08Z MFSK-32 @ 3505000+1504>></p> <p><STX></p> <p>Reception Report from WA6NBG</p> <p>NX6D 100% &#038; FLMSG</p> <p>KB6NN 100% &#038; FLMSG</p> <p>W7ZAP 100% &#038; FLMSG</p> <p>K7IFG 100% &#038; FLMSG x 2</p> <p>K7KY 100% &#038; FLMSG</p> <p>Photo/Logo 93%</p> <p>No other comments. Good job guys &#038; gals.</p> <p>de WA6NBG</p> <p><EOT></p> <p>W7ZAP copied the following stations:</p> <p>K7KY 100% copy + FLMSG</p> <p>NX6D 100% copy + FLMSG (S9 +10)</p> <p>WA6NBG100% copy + FLMSG (S9 +15)</p> <p>KB6NN 100% copy + FLMSG (S9) Good signal for 15W</p> <p>K7IFG 100% copy + FLMSG (2X) (S9 +20)</p> <p>Copied all stations well tonight. </p> <p>73,</p> <p>Mindy W7ZAP k</p> <p><STX></p> <p>We had an instance of double transmission that resulted in my not being to read either transmission. On voice, this gets resolved fairly easily. On digital, I have no idea how to signal to others who were transmitting that there was a double.</p> <p>BTN de NX6D</p> <p><EOT></p> <p>Before RSID: <<2015-03-25T03:10Z MFSK-32 @ 3505000+1500>></p> <p><STX></p> <p>ALL ORCA David.. I doubled with Don and he resent his report. You should have copied that second transmission in the clear. \\</p> <p>Over to Ken K7IFG < K7KY k <EOT></p> <p>Before RSID: <<2015-03-25T03:11Z MFSK-32 @ 3505000+1496>></p> <p><STX></p> <p>de k7ifg Signals were good here from all stations this evening. I was trying out the version and </p> <p>see there is a bug on the tones coming out using PSK63RC10 so went back to version .04 which seems to work. </p> <p>Wondering if anyone else noticing problems with de K7IFG</p> <p><EOT></p> <p>Before RSID: <<2015-03-25T03:12Z MFSK-32 @ 3505000+1498>></p> <p><STX></p> <p>K7IFG Ken&#8230; I&#8217;ve not tried .39, but have had problems with .06.11 which I&#8217;m using tonight. Is .39 still a BETA? btu< K7KY k <EOT></p> <p>Before RSID: <<2015-03-25T03:13Z MFSK-32 @ 3505000+1500>></p> <p><STX></p> <p>de k7ifg yes, I got it off the alpha site. bk</p> <p><EOT></p> <p>Before RSID: <<2015-03-25T03:13Z MFSK-32 @ 3505000+1495>></p> <p><STX></p> <p>NX6D David&#8230; Not much else we can do in digital mode but retransmit when we know it&#8217;s happened. We do need to leave a moment or two between transmissions for late checkins..</p> <p>. </p> <p>Any more comments questions, or resends? please come now.. ORCA DIGITAL NET, Early Check-in</p> <p>Send only your callsign or print it on the WF </p> <p>I&#8217;ll list earlies before regular check-in. de K7KY k</p> <p><EOT></p> <p>Before RSID: <<2015-03-25T03:15Z MFSK-32 @ 3505000+1493>></p> <p><STX></p> <p>de k7ifg i have a message in the Flamp Que I could send for the net k</p> <p><EOT></p> <p>Before RSID: <<2015-03-25T03:16Z MFSK-32 @ 3505000+1509>></p> <p><STX></p> <p>< K7KY k <EOT></p> <p>Before RSID: <<2015-03-25T03:16Z MFSK-32 @ 3505000+1503>></p> <p><STX></p> <p>Good Ken.. we haven&#8217;t tried flamp for a couple weeks. Go ahead with the message and everyone needs to remember to open flamp first. It doesn&#8217;t open automatically. OK</p> <p>ken,..< K7KY k <EOT></p> <p>Before RSID: <<2015-03-25T03:17Z MFSK-32 @ 3505000+1513>></p> <p><STX></p> <p>de k7ifg I will send it twice and will use pskr125rc5 mode </p> <p><EOT></p> <p>Before RSID: <<2015-03-25T03:17Z MFSK-32 @ 3505000+1506>></p> <p>QST DE K7IFG</p> <p><PROG 18 2149>{285D}FLAMP 2.2.00</p> <p><FILE 48 5337>{285D}20150321172112:wb5alm-diginet-03212015.p2s</p> <p><ID 34 162C>{285D}K7IFG Beavercreek, OR CN85sg</p> <p><SIZE 17 123D>{285D}1425 13 112</p> <p><PROG 18 2149>{285D}FLAMP 2.2.00</p> <p><FILE 48 5337>{285D}20150321172112:wb5alm-diginet-03212015.p2s</p> <p><ID 34 162C>{285D}K7IFG Beavercreek, OR CN85sg</p> <p><SIZE 17 123D>{285D}1425 13 112</p> <p><DATA 120 95AC>{285D:1}[b64:start]AUxaTUEAAAbDXQAAAAQAHhmJhvwzDh5T3dGz4iDN4l/Qcrgw1ivsUJnK5ANO6uR/YVKpVEFUbsvfziWFtYE6XwIRA//OPoP98jDSu</p> <p><DATA 120 F851>{285D:2}ygHLtRRbivoVphJvyid5Plvu11QbG08k3sy3JMPQPj2n7++pYaFmXCN7tz9KEkS+olkPXr3d22rM3sErxMutG//SLtkTb7ntGHX4bbPpzGrVm0Sq</p> <p><DATA 120 3369>{285D:3}hZaloJI9pV6auZIERqJn2fDc5KiKLa5fmIoRiBY2sUyct3BJPMsNZApVmCeoU6i3gs8oFHV5Z+WnjKFGbZ5GvT6KbzWu4JT7avVFwSK4c9ciajcW</p> <p><DATA 120 8FAE>{285D:4}QrjhxArFAwj33Z5N3p9Gd8lGTAg30iqVFGzOQAVmmjPFWMm5Pp3Z/rzHJW/2YEOc/5BRAOCi8QrJa8vgOwEPOwAb0jkATONVfC9S1hYM9x/Pn3Yj</p> <p><DATA 120 C265>{285D:5}f8j4b9keKkuNrgdPvO+MBCuQeqi7xU42kLSMf/Yo7G/UADo7TI8HmJqACAzLBpHJYAL76Uv4wmeTP4h7+qPW9cLJiwJSBT/gKV/TzwLxiDdt8ywN</p> <p><DATA 120 A075>{285D:6}53KQ4bVgPDVs68jJ32BXmSFiAXnVBoUo6SsFZ/NNytosyaIOwOMvjxBq2I7PSR0hk0tR48ERkHroY2eGRVHNrj34fuOMsW3hbKyrPbUwEmYmHpm2</p> <p><DATA 120 34EC>{285D:7}+rdNV/hll2bQQUFWKOBx4e7NbBHJFMIIudhl1KAB0EZzFiqpXbAGXcey/hWskoVKl78S/oxy+KQhXzP3A1G5K+lu5MCvs7EYc3SIaUUctJcOP4Su</p> <p><DATA 120 9AF2>{285D:8}pj0AyvmV/3WXuW0b3P+n0zaEs4ynINYI1J5v3btPGMlzKzUi1S0a4+Lh5WsTtW1ooF14681ccvoTUlnL4z25jrV7bt0OgaWwWZ1pFcOLuXiIkIvj</p> <p><DATA 120 8C1E>{285D:9}o8attP/EE3Ki08FI4nqacVPhI8S5WcFk/LN4di4WYPh5nUbsybMHFYmqBHttVWpMo6+ojSEKX0MCAs2CIta+zabV5yE8mK38Wc/VBrhoM85XHIy/</p> <p><DATA 121 3ED1>{285D:10}1lJ4iDDqpSo985jvHpoERP8jj2fq/diNXG4xxhR8eEHhcpZSW/z4S1EIALnJfJguImavfAgbA1JPKJx9AbdOM4S1NzIuwbcWJr2k6Q90/pW30PoK</p> <p><DATA 121 14A4>{285D:11}eqqnUdRLhp8eURvmtQp6+XkkCZrc7EkV55Nh4fWoS1UXeGyG/oEVOMZ+ivniMxwcQbTDOxaRaDyt8ZQ1H/WxNtFVUzm1QTTMeQL4DQdfi7p/Khy/</p> <p><DATA 121 07B5>{285D:12}GIKIuqm4jKpjtbqNb13Zq7mBXwQplW+hTcrc8vpeLMvotyZf7CEK8qfS6d5HFEnRT8X6fUJ7iCmy53H2uOmu+nvetNkozIAewcftcu8lxtJUwp9D</p> <p><DATA 90 DF44>{285D:13}VI18cR/A4dgWjKsB71O8pWe9VFXM8bbN1l4hLB3f3p+zkJyDNRneBlWcDQPzAuJgNmoO2Vh</p> [b64:end] <p><CNTL 10 C228>{285D:EOF}</p> <p><DATA 120 95AC>{285D:1}[b64:start]AUxaTUEAAAbDXQAAAAQAHhmJhvwzDh5T3dGz4iDN4l/Qcrgw1ivsUJnK5ANO6uR/YVKpVEFUbsvfziWFtYE6XwIRA//OPoP98jDSu</p> <p><DATA 120 F851>{285D:2}ygHLtRRbivoVphJvyid5Plvu11QbG08k3sy3JMPQPj2n7++pYaFmXCN7tz9KEkS+olkPXr3d22rM3sErxMutG//SLtkTb7ntGHX4bbPpzGrVm0Sq</p> <p><DATA 120 3369>{285D:3}hZaloJI9pV6auZIERqJn2fDc5KiKLa5fmIoRiBY2sUyct3BJPMsNZApVmCeoU6i3gs8oFHV5Z+WnjKFGbZ5GvT6KbzWu4JT7avVFwSK4c9ciajcW</p> <p><DATA 120 8FAE>{285D:4}QrjhxArFAwj33Z5N3p9Gd8lGTAg30iqVFGzOQAVmmjPFWMm5Pp3Z/rzHJW/2YEOc/5BRAOCi8QrJa8vgOwEPOwAb0jkATONVfC9S1hYM9x/Pn3Yj</p> <p><DATA 120 C265>{285D:5}f8j4b9keKkuNrgdPvO+MBCuQeqi7xU42kLSMf/Yo7G/UADo7TI8HmJqACAzLBpHJYAL76Uv4wmeTP4h7+qPW9cLJiwJSBT/gKV/TzwLxiDdt8ywN</p> <p><DATA 120 A075>{285D:6}53KQ4bVgPDVs68jJ32BXmSFiAXnVBoUo6SsFZ/NNytosyaIOwOMvjxBq2I7PSR0hk0tR48ERkHroY2eGRVHNrj34fuOMsW3hbKyrPbUwEmYmHpm2</p> <p><DATA 120 34EC>{285D:7}+rdNV/hll2bQQUFWKOBx4e7NbBHJFMIIudhl1KAB0EZzFiqpXbAGXcey/hWskoVKl78S/oxy+KQhXzP3A1G5K+lu5MCvs7EYc3SIaUUctJcOP4Su</p> <p><DATA 120 9AF2>{285D:8}pj0AyvmV/3WXuW0b3P+n0zaEs4ynINYI1J5v3btPGMlzKzUi1S0a4+Lh5WsTtW1ooF14681ccvoTUlnL4z25jrV7bt0OgaWwWZ1pFcOLuXiIkIvj</p> <p><DATA 120 8C1E>{285D:9}o8attP/EE3Ki08FI4nqacVPhI8S5WcFk/LN4di4WYPh5nUbsybMHFYmqBHttVWpMo6+ojSEKX0MCAs2CIta+zabV5yE8mK38Wc/VBrhoM85XHIy/</p> <p><DATA 121 3ED1>{285D:10}1lJ4iDDqpSo985jvHpoERP8jj2fq/diNXG4xxhR8eEHhcpZSW/z4S1EIALnJfJguImavfAgbA1JPKJx9AbdOM4S1NzIuwbcWJr2k6Q90/pW30PoK</p> <p><DATA 121 14A4>{285D:11}eqqnUdRLhp8eURvmtQp6+XkkCZrc7EkV55Nh4fWoS1UXeGyG/oEVOMZ+ivniMxwcQbTDOxaRaDyt8ZQ1H/WxNtFVUzm1QTTMeQL4DQdfi7p/Khy/</p> <p><DATA 121 07B5>{285D:12}GIKIuqm4jKpjtbqNb13Zq7mBXwQplW+hTcrc8vpeLMvotyZf7CEK8qfS6d5HFEnRT8X6fUJ7iCmy53H2uOmu+nvetNkozIAewcftcu8lxtJUwp9D</p> <p><DATA 90 DF44>{285D:13}VI18cR/A4dgWjKsB71O8pWe9VFXM8bbN1l4hLB3f3p+zkJyDNRneBlWcDQPzAuJgNmoO2Vh</p> [b64:end] <p><CNTL 10 C228>{285D:EOF}</p> <p><CNTL 10 6224>{285D:EOT}</p> <p>QST DE K7IFG K</p> <p>Before RSID: <<2015-03-25T03:20Z 5xPSK125R @ 3505000+1493>></p> <p>Before RSID: <<2015-03-25T03:20Z 5xPSK125R @ 3505000+1499>></p> <p>Before RSID: <<2015-03-25T03:21Z 5xPSK125R @ 3505000+1493>></p> <p>NX6D OK let&#8217;s go around and¯</p> <p>Before RSID: <<2015-03-25T03:21Z 5xPSK125R @ 3505000+1499>></p> <p><STX></p> <p>de k7ifg back on mfsk </p> <p><EOT></p> <p>Before RSID: <<2015-03-25T03:22Z MFSK-32 @ 3505000+1498>></p> <p><STX></p> <p>NX6D OK David&#8230; How copy Kens message in flamp&#8230; After your report, on to Don and around w/o prompt. < K7KY k <EOT></p> <p>Before RSID: <<2015-03-25T03:22Z MFSK-32 @ 3505000+1510>></p> <p><STX></p> <p>I got all but three of the blocks. I&#8217;m not sure how to requiest retransimission of the missing blocks. The FLAMP window is still open.</p> <p>I would say this is not a very good mode for this sort of work. It is very fast, but error prone. It seemed to me that the slightest fading caused the block to get lost.</p> <p>de NX6D</p> <p><EOT></p> <p>Before RSID: <<2015-03-25T03:24Z MFSK-32 @ 3505000+1501>></p> <p><STX></p> <p>NX6D Thanks David&#8230; U press REPORT to send the request for block fill. Sorry to jump in on Don&#8230; WE&#8217;ll wait to see how many fills are needed before asking Ken to fill. </p> <p>Over to Don..< K7KY k <EOT></p> <p>Before RSID: <<2015-03-25T03:25Z MFSK-32 @ 3505000+1501>></p> <p><STX></p> <p>Copied 100%</p> <p>What program opens a .P25 file??</p> <p>de WA6NBG</p> <p><EOT></p> <p>W7ZAP</p> <p>Glad to be trying FLAMP again. Still having issues w/RX. No blocks show up. Ken, do you have any suggestions? </p> <p>thanks,</p> <p>BTN</p> <p>Mindy W7ZAP k</p> <p>Before RSID: <<2015-03-25T03:26Z MFSK-32 @ 3505000+1498>></p> <p><STX></p> <p>de k7ifg OK David One thing first be sure in the the Flamp config screen that Enable Tx on report is checked </p> <p>and then what doug said will work also make sure auto sync flamp to fldigi mode is checked. </p> <p>Mindy will have to discuss your problem on SSB to see if we can figure out what is going on. de k7ifg k</p> <p><EOT></p> <p>Before RSID: <<2015-03-25T03:28Z MFSK-32 @ 3505000+1492>></p> <p><STX></p> <p>K7IFG Ken, can you answer Don&#8217;s question regarding the .p25 file? < K7KY k <EOT></p> <p>Before RSID: <<2015-03-25T03:29Z MFSK-32 @ 3505000+1508>></p> <p><STX></p> <p>de k7ifg okay. Don. first thing t»etnaeb tf exuruqat kMobe™re^lujetnjafter getting solid copy is to hit save and then using flmsg </p> <p>go into the directory where you saved the message and flmsg will open the message for you. k</p> <p><EOT></p> <p>Before RSID: <<2015-03-25T03:31Z MFSK-32 @ 3505000+1494>></p> <p><STX></p> <p>K7IFG Ken.. Do you have time for a short chat on 3.955 tonight? < K7KY k <EOT></p> <p> sMut went to open and didn&#8217;t remember the flmsg part.</p> <p>Back to Net Control..</p> <p>de WA6NBG</p> <p><EOT></p> <p>Before RSID: <<2015-03-25T03:32Z MFSK-32 @ 3505000+1495>></p> <p>ORCA Well, I&#8217;ve been hard on NBG tonight, but not on purpose. Ken, do you have time for a short chat on 3955 after closing tonight? < K7KY k <EOT></p> <p>Before RSID: <<2015-03-25T03:33Z MFSK-32 @ 3505000+1509>></p> <p><STX></p> <p>de k7ifg rgr see you on 3955 doug k</p> <p><EOT></p> <p>Before RSID: <<2015-03-25T03:33Z MFSK-32 @ 3505000+1497>></p> <p><STX></p> <p>ALL ORCA OK any more net business before we close the digital portion and move to ssb? please come now < K7KY k <EOT></p> <p>Before RSID: <<2015-03-25T03:33Z MFSK-32 @ 3505000+1512>></p> <p><STX></p> <p>I would like to try for the fills.</p> <p>de NX6D</p> <p><EOT></p> <p>Before RSID: <<2015-03-25T03:34Z MFSK-32 @ 3505000+1497>></p> <p><STX></p> <p>NX6D Of course&#8230; I forgot David. Send Ken your REPORT and we&#8217;ll get the fills.. < K7KY k <EOT></p> <p>Before RSID: <<2015-03-25T03:35Z MFSK-32 @ 3505000+1510>></p> <p><STX></p> <p>Ok, I will try this. Next transmission.</p> <p>de NX6D</p> <p><EOT></p> <p>Before RSID: <<2015-03-25T03:35Z MFSK-32 @ 3505000+1501>></p> <p><STX></p> <p>DE NX6D</p> <p>File : wb5alm-diginet-03212015.p2s</p> <p><MISSING 13 A783>{285D}4 8 13 </p> <p>DE NX6D K </p> <p><EOT></p> <p><PROG 182149>{285D}FLAMP 2.2.00</p> <p><FILE 48 5337>{285D}20150321172112:wb5alm-diginet-03212015.p2s</p> <p><ID 34 162C>{285D}K7IFG Beavercreek, OR CN85sg</p> <p><SIZE 17 123D>{285D}1425 13 112</p> <p><DATA 120 8FAE>{285D:4}QrjhxArFAwj33Z5N3p9Gd8lGTAg30iqVFGzOQAVmmjPFWMm5Pp3Z/rzHJW/2YEOc/5BRAOCi8QrJa8vgOwEPOwAb0jkATONVfC9S1hYM9x/Pn3Yj</p> <p><DATA 120 9AF2>{285D:8}pj0AyvmV/3WXuW0b3P+n0zaEs4ynINYI1J5v3btPGMlzKzUi1S0a4+Lh5WsTtW1ooF14681ccvoTUlnL4z25jrV7bt0OgaWwWZ1pFcOLuXiIkIvj</p> <p><DATA 90 DF44>{285D:13}VI18cR/A4dgWjKsB71O8pWe9VFXM8bbN1l4hLB3f3p+zkJyDNRneBlWcDQPzAuJgNmoO2Vh</p> [b64:end] <p><CNTL 10 C228>{285D:EOF}</p> <p><DATA 120 8FAE>{285D:4}QrjhxArFAwj33Z5N3p9Gd8lGTAg30iqVFGzOQAVmmjPFWMm5Pp3Z/rzHJW/2YEOc/5BRAOCi8QrJa8vgOwEPOwAb0jkATONVfC9S1hYM9x/Pn3Yj</p> <p><DATA 120 9AF2>{285D:8}pj0AyvmV/3WXuW0b3P+n0zaEs4ynINYI1J5v3btPGMlzKzUi1S0a4+Lh5WsTtW1ooF14681ccvoTUlnL4z25jrV7bt0OgaWwWZ1pFcOLuXiIkIvj</p> <p><DATA 90 DF44>{285D:13}VI18cR/A4dgWjKsB71O8pWe9VFXM8bbN1l4hLB3f3p+zkJyDNRneBlWcDQPzAuJgNmoO2Vh</p> [b64:end] <p><CNTL 10 C228>{285D:EOF}</p> <p><CNTL 10 6224>{285D:EOT}</p> <p>QST DE K7IFG K</p> <p><EOT></p> <p>Before RSID: <<2015-03-25T03:38Z MFSK-32 @ 3505000+1493>></p> <p><STX></p> <p>NX6D How copy David? < K7KY k <EOT></p> <p>Before RSID: <<2015-03-25T03:39Z MFSK-32 @ 3505000+1503>></p> <p><STX></p> <p>Message 100% copy now.</p> <p>de NX6D</p> <p><EOT></p> <p>Before RSID: <<2015-03-25T03:39Z MFSK-32 @ 3505000+1491>></p> <p><STX></p> <p>de k7ifg david hit the report key again k</p> <p><EOT></p> <p>Before RSID: <<2015-03-25T03:39Z MFSK-32 @ 3505000+1507>></p> <p><STX></p> <p>DE NX6D</p> <p>File : wb5alm-diginet-03212015.p2s</p> <p><MISSING 15 9927>{285D}CONFIRMED</p> <p>DE NX6D K </p> <p><EOT></p> <p>Before RSID: <<2015-03-25T03:40Z MFSK-32 @ 3505000+1490>></p> <p><STX></p> <p>de k7ifg beautiful job there david that is how you do it bk</p> <p><EOT></p> <p>Before RSID: <<2015-03-25T03:40Z MFSK-32 @ 3505000+1491>></p> <p><STX></p> <p> ZWA6NBG Don Did you get a confirmed report from Ken&#8217;s message in fmamp? < K7KY k <EOT></p> <p>Before RSID: <<2015-03-25T03:41Z MFSK-32 @ 3505000+1502>></p> <p><STX></p> <p>Yes .. It opened fine in FLMSG.. Back to you&#8230;</p> <p><EOT></p> <p>Before RSID: <<2015-03-25T03:41Z MFSK-32 @ 3505000+1503>></p> <p><STX></p> <p>ALL ORCA Great! Looks like only Mindy &#038; I cannot get flamp to work correctly. It was working a few weeks ago, but not now. Anymore to do before QSY to 3.955? please come</p> <p>now< K7KY k <EOT></p> <p>Before RSID: <<2015-03-25T03:42Z MFSK-32 @ 3505000+1501>></p> <p><STX></p> <p>ALL ORCA OK This officially closes the ORCA DIGITAL NET for 24mar15 Thanks to everyone for participating tonight and I hope you&#8217;ll come back again next week. CU on ssb</p> <p>3.955 73 Doug K7KY NCS SK</p> <p><EOT></p> </div> <!-- END .left-side --> </div> <!-- END .content-without-middle --> </div> <!-- BEGIN .content-without-middle --> <div class="content-without-middle"> <!-- BEGIN .left-side --> <div class="left-side the-article-content" style="width:660px;"> <!-- END .left-side --> </div> <!-- END .content-without-middle --> </div> <!-- BEGIN .content-without-middle --> <div class="content-without-middle"> <!-- BEGIN .full-left-box --> <div class="full-left-box"> <h2 class="thetitle font-replace" style="border-top:5px solid FF0000;color:FF0000;">Net Reports</h2> <div class="title-top"> <a href="https://orcadigitalnet.com/category/net-reports/">view all articles in this category</a> </div> <div class="category-block"> <div class="category-right-block"> <div class="article-photo"> <a href="https://orcadigitalnet.com/19-dec-23-report/"><img 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synved-content-scrollable" id="synved-tabs-1"><ul class="ui-tabs-nav ui-helper-clearfix ui-helper-reset ui-widget-header ui-corner-all"><li class="tab-title ui-corner-top ui-tabs-selected ui-tabs-active ui-state-active synved-tab-title-info"><a title="" href="#synved-tabs-1-0">Info</a></li><li class="tab-title ui-corner-top ui-state-default synved-tab-title-schedule"><a title="" href="#synved-tabs-1-1">Schedule</a></li></ul><div class="tab-body ui-tabs-panel ui-widget-content ui-corner-bottom synved-tab-title-info" id="synved-tabs-1-0"> <center> <img src="http://orcadigitalnet.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/FEMA_logo.jpg"></center><br> FEMA Region X Monthly Interoperability NET, which comprises <b>Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, Washington</b>, conducts a monthly interoperability communications exercise on the 60-meter band. This exercise often includes a voice portion and a digital portion. <br> <br>FEMA Region X uses the call sign of WGY910. The COMMEX occurs on the third Wednesday of the month from 1730 to 1900Z. Primary check-in is usually on 60-meter channel 1. </div><div class="tab-body ui-tabs-panel ui-widget-content ui-corner-bottom synved-tab-title-schedule" id="synved-tabs-1-1"> <center><h3>FEMA Region X Monthly Interoperability NET</h3></center> <div class="su-table su-table-alternate"> <table class="table-bordered"> <tbody> <tr> <td style="text-align: center">3rd Wednesday 1730Z - 1900Z</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align: center"> Channel 1: 5330.5 kHz<br> Channel 2: 5346.5 kHz<br> Channel 3: 5357.0 kHz<br> Channel 4: 5371.5 kHz<br> Channel 5: 5403.5 kHz</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <table class="table-bordered"> <tbody> <tr> <td>1730Z</td> <td>Open net, delay check-ins<br> 60M - CH1</td> </tr> <tr> <td>1735Z</td> <td>NCS sends 1st dig msg<br> 60M - BPSK31 - CH 2</td> </tr> <tr> <td>1740Z</td> <td>NCS repeats 1st dig msg using alt mode<br> 60M - MT63-2KL CH2</td> </tr> <tr> <td>1745Z</td> <td>NCS calls for check-ins and reports<br> 60M - CH1</td> </tr> <tr> <td>1815Z</td> <td>NCS TX 2nd digital msg<br> 60M - BPSK31 - CH 2</td> </tr> <tr> <td>1825Z</td> <td>NCS reTX 2nd dig msg using alt mode<br> 60M - MT63-2KL - CH 2</td> </tr> <tr> <td>1827Z</td> <td>NCS calls for reports<br> 60M - CH 1</td> </tr> <tr> <td>1850Z</td> <td>NCS closes the net<br> 60M - CH 1</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <br> <span class="wtb-ew-v1" style="width: 204px"><i><a href="https://www.worldtimebuddy.com/">World Clock</a></i><a href="https://www.worldtimebuddy.com/">World Clock</a>window[wtb_event_widgets.pop()].init()</span> </div> </div></div></div></div></div><div class="widget_text widget-8 last panel"><div class="textwidget custom-html-widget"><center><h3>SHORTWAVE RADIOGRAM</h3></center> <div class="snvdshc"><div class="synved-tab-list synved-tab-list-nojs ui-tabs ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all synved-content-scrollable" id="synved-tabs-2"><ul class="ui-tabs-nav ui-helper-clearfix ui-helper-reset ui-widget-header ui-corner-all"><li class="tab-title ui-corner-top ui-tabs-selected ui-tabs-active ui-state-active synved-tab-title-info"><a title="" href="#synved-tabs-2-0">Info</a></li><li class="tab-title ui-corner-top ui-state-default synved-tab-title-schedule"><a title="" href="#synved-tabs-2-1">Schedule</a></li></ul><div class="tab-body ui-tabs-panel ui-widget-content ui-corner-bottom synved-tab-title-info" id="synved-tabs-2-0"> <a href="http://swradiogram.net/" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="http://orcadigitalnet.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/shortwave_radiogram_logo.png" /></a> Shortwave Radiogram transmits digital text and images on an analog shortwave broadcast transmitter. The program is produced and presented by Dr. Kim Andrew Elliott KD9XB. Shortwave Radiogram continues VOA Radiogram's tradition testing new modes and is an interesting source for Digital Ops wishing to practice more with FLDIGI &amp; FLAMP. </div><div class="tab-body ui-tabs-panel ui-widget-content ui-corner-bottom synved-tab-title-schedule" id="synved-tabs-2-1"> &nbsp; <center><h3>Shortwave Radiogram Transmission Schedule (AM)</h3></center> <div class="su-table su-table-alternate"> <table> <tbody> <tr> <td style="text-align: center">Fri 2030-2100 UTC<br> 7780 kHz<br> 9455 kHz<br> WRMI Florida</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align: center">Sat 1600-1630 UTC<br> 9400 kHz<br> Space Line, Bulgaria</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align: center">Sun 2330-2400 UTC<br> 7780 kHz<br> WRMI Florida</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align: center">Mon 0800-0830 UTC<br> 7730 kHz<br> 5850 kHz<br> WRMI Florida</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <center> <br> <span class="wtb-ew-v1" style="width: 204px; display:inline-block"><script src="https://www.worldtimebuddy.com/clock_widget.js?h=0&bc=00A2E8&cn=&wt=c1"></script><i><a href="https://www.worldtimebuddy.com/">World Clock</a></i><noscript><a href="https://www.worldtimebuddy.com/">World Clock</a></noscript><script>window[wtb_event_widgets.pop()].init()</script></span> </center> </div></div></div></div></div> <!-- END .content-box-sidebar --> </div> <!-- END .content-box --> </div> <!-- END .wrapper --> </div> <!-- BEGIN .content --> </div> <!-- BEGIN .footer --> <div class="footer"> <!-- BEGIN .wrapper --> <div class="wrapper"> <div class="footer-content"> <div class="footer-block"> <div class="relative-block"> </div> </div> <div class="footer-block"> <div class="relative-block"> <h2 class="footer-title font-replace">Contact ORCA DIGITAL NET</h2> <div class="footer-contact-form"> <p> </p> </div> <div class="footer-bottom"> <span class="contact-msg"><span class="icon-text">&#128222;</span> </span> <a href="mailto:ncs@orcadigitalnet.com" class="contact-msg"><span 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