17/MAR/15 Report

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ORCA DIGITAL NET, Report 17/Mar/15

Check-ins: 9
Traffic: 6
Keyboard: 2
Monitor: 1

KB6NN Howard
W7ZAP Mindy

The net went very smoothly again tonight. I think our net protocols are sorting out well. We can think about experimenting with other features and modes. Mindy & I still haven’t got flamp working consistently. Sometimes it works perfectly; other times it doesn’t seem to hear the transmission. There aren’t very many parameters to alter in flamp. I thought it was band conditions, but it sometimes fails to work between our stations where band conditions are mostly irrelevant.

We’re doing very well with roundtable traffic. I don’t think I was clear tonight when changing from prompting stations to letting each station simply follow the previous station until we complete the circuit. We’ll continue with this method for awhile to see if it’s best or can be improved or dropped. After Announcements/comments/questions, I’ll prompt the first station and the other station will follow in rotation until it comes back to me. You can pause a few seconds for late check-ins, and then follow the previous station with your traffic.

Having little or no comments or questions following traffic may mean we’re doing so well we don’t need to say anything. Or, it may be that the digital-only format has left those who enjoy the voice roundtable uncomfortable with digi-only comms. I like digital comms, but certainly agree that voice is better and faster for sorting out complex issues, or just expressing yourself quickly and concisely. I’m open to concluding the net with voice final comments if you prefer. Let me know. I really enjoy working with each of you and wouldn’t want to change the net in any way that diminishes our relationships.

Because our net begins late, I try to keep it moving so we don’t go too deep into everyone’s evening. But, I wouldn’t want the net to get so efficient, that it’s no longer fun and useful. I would appreciate your thoughts on these matters and anything else that interests or concerns you regarding our activities and direction.

Just after closing, I received this transmission: TO THE NET CONTROL ON THIS FREQUENCY YOU ARE WIPING OUT OUR NETS AT 20:00 HOURS AT 3900 mhZ ,,, kg7za sORRY 3599 mhz

I was speaking with Bob KA6ULG on 2m when the message came in and Mindy responded, but no answer. It’s a bit surprising that we’re bothering them @ 3599. We’ve been here nearly 1.5yr now w/o bothering anyone except occasional RTTY contesters.

I’m trying to contact KG7ZA, but haven’t found phone or email yet. Maybe it’s just weird band conditions tonight. I hope we won’t have frequency conflict issues.

Thanks for working with us again tonight. I really enjoy the net and appreciate your participation. If you know Ops who’ve left us because of annoying messages, please tell them to give us another shot. Our focus is digital traffic and digital communications in general. Your participation is a big part of learning and expanding digital operating skills. 73 Doug K7KY NCS

PS: The website is still on the development server: http://orcadigitalnet.com/
And: Attached is our b/w logo for signal testing. When you want to send it, you need the original.

———— Net Log ———————–


… start

[WRAP:beg][WRAP:lf][WRAP:fn ORCA17mar15.b2s]2.0.9


K7KY 20151803022915


K7KY 20151803021528


NX6D David T


K7KEV Keith kbd?


KB6NN Howard T


KA6ULG Bob kbd?


K6FWT Jim kbd?

KE6SLS Jaye kbd

KJ6UPE Danon T


W7ZAP Mindy T


[WRAP:chksum 3470][WRAP:end]

… end

QST & WELCOME to the ORCA DIGITAL NET. Doug K7KY NCS – Brookings,OR.

This net meets every Tuesday at 1930p here on 3.595 USB. Software: FLDIGI, FLMSG, & FLAMP. Mode: MFSK-32 @ 1500. Other modes and bands depending on conditions. Alternate digital freq: 7.122 USB. Occasional voice freq’s: 3.955 & 7.200.

The ORCA DIGITAL NET is dedicated to learning digital operating skills and practicing digital traffic handling. The net connects Amateur Operators with mutual interest in training, information-sharing, and support. Visitors welcome.

This is a DIRECTED Roundtable Net. Please answer check-in with your CALLSIGN only. If you can print your call on the WF, any free space in the passband is OK.

Stand by while NCS organizes the transmit rotation message. NCS will send three files: test image,rotation

list, and announcements

NCS transmits grayscale test image

NCS transmits Station Rotation list

NCS transmits net announcements

Call for questions and announcements

NCS calls the first transmitting station & all stations send in order w/o prompt.

Before sending, please LOCK fldigi @ 1500, enable RxID, TxID, & AFC.

A round (or more) of fills, reception reports, comments, questions, follows the traffic round.

NCS transmits Closing Announcement

de K7KY

ORCA DIGIAL NET, Checked-in:

Early check-ins:




W7ZAP Mindy T


Check-in: Please respond with your callsign only…

Before RSID: <<2015-03-18T02:33Z MFSK-32 @ 1500>>


ALL ORCA < K7KY k E6NVU k Before RSID: <<2015-03-18T02:35Z MFSK-32 @ 1500>>


CQ CQ CQ de ka6ulg ka6ulg ka6ulg

CQ CQ CQ de ka6ulg ka6ulg ka6ulg pse k

Please stand by…< K7KY k KA6ULG de K7KY Bob.. u have traffic or kbd tonight? < K7KY k ulg ka6ulg ka6ulg kn Before RSID: <<2015-03-18T02:38Z MFSK-32 @ 1501>>

no de ka6ulg ka6ulg ka6ulg kn

tnetREKA6ULG de K7KY OK Bob… I”ll list u as monitor unless you reply and want to kbd…< K7KY k ok de ka6ulg ka6ulg ka6ulg kn ORCA DIGITAL NET de K7KY Grayscale image for signal evaluation

Sending Pic:192×192;

… start

[WRAP:beg][WRAP:lf][WRAP:fn ORCA17mar15.b2s]2.0.9


K7KY 20151803024104


K7KY 20151803021528

:mg:138 ORCA DIGITAL NET, Rotation order


KA6ULG kbd

KB6NN Howard T




W7ZAP Mindy T


[WRAP:chksum C655][WRAP:end]

… end

ALL ORCA de K7KY Late check in come now…< K7KY k ORCA DIGITAL NET, Announcements, 17/Mar/15 Last week, taking early check-ins worked well. I had four stations logged when we began actual check-in. It's quick & easy to log stations off the waterfall. The net went very smoothly considering our recent return to a single freq. Try to make time this weekend to decode one of the VOA RadioGram broadcasts. Kim Elliot, RadioGram producer, emailed me to learn how to print VOA on the WF and said to watch for a mention of the ORCA DIGITAL NET in an upcoming RadioGram. It's been very interesting to work with Dave W1HKJ @ fldigi and Kim KD9XB @ Voice of America. Their interest in ORCA is an endorsement of our efforts and progress. Remember to add station information to the ICS-213 header. It helps receiving stations evaluate the band and your signal. Jaye KE6SLS suggests we run the traffic round w/o NCS prompting. Jim KW6JIM suggested this last year. It was faster, but we had lots of out-of-order doubles. Now, we are more experienced. Let's try it again. Following Announcements and comments, I'll prompt the first traffic station and each station can follow in order. Then, a regular round, or more, of kbd . Comments/Questions, come now with your callsign. Otherwise, I'll call the first traffic station. de K7KY WA6NBG Please send now de K7KY k Before RSID: <<2015-03-18T02:45Z MFSK-32 @ 1500>>

… start

[WRAP:beg][WRAP:lf][WRAP:fn WA6NBG-2.213]1.1.32


WA6NBG 20151803024525


WA6NBG 20151803024443

:to:27 Eureka Emergency Net & ORCA

:p1:30 30 Watts into 180′ wire up 25′

:fm:10 Don WA6NBG

:d1:10 2015-03-16

:t1:5 1829L

:sb:26 Bulletins and Announcements

:s1:23 Donald O. Nelson WA6NBG

:mg:1086 Bulletins and Announcements for March 16th.

Technician Amateur Radio class is on-going. This class is held on Monday nights at the Eureka downtown fire

station. Exam will be April 18th in Eureka after the 10 week long class.

The Tech Net, a new net starting tonight. The Tech Net is being formed to discuss Amateur Radio technical issues. All are welcome to participate. The Tech Net will be on the Fortuna 147.09 repeater after the Humboldt County HF Emergency Net.

EmComm meeting Thursday, March 19th, at 1900L at the Eureka downtown fire station.

Tsunami Week, March 22nd through March 28. Humboldt EmComm will activate OES station from 10:00am til’ 11:30am on Wednesday the 25th. Listen to Far West around 11:00am for check-ins.

P.S. – Large geomagnetic disturbance may provide viewing of the Norhern Lights tonight (Tuesday). This is the largest event of this sunspot cycle.

Please send any bulletins or announcements for the Eureka Emergency VHF Net to donelsonsteam@gmail.com or via Packet to WA6NBG @ W6ZZK-1 on 145.050 MHz.

This ends the digital message for March 16th.

[WRAP:chksum F1CC][WRAP:end]

… end

KB6NN Howard, I may have misunderstood ULG go ahead with your traffic and we’ll look for Bob in comments tu de K7KY k xme2ttQe@

Before RSID: <<2015-03-18T02:49Z MFSK-32 @ 1500>

… start

[WRAP:beg][WRAP:lf][WRAP:fn Link to KB6NN-10.b2s]1.1.34


KB6NN 20151803024925


KB6NN 20151803001957

:mg:231 I will be attempting to record a video of the FLDIGI window to show how the center frequency varies during reception of an MFSK-32 transmission with AFC turned on. Now running 50 watts into a horizontal dipole up about ten feet.

[WRAP:chksum 5579][WRAP:end]

… end

Before RSID: <<2015-03-18T02:50Z MFSK-32 @ 1504>>

… start

[WRAP:beg][WRAP:lf][WRAP:fn NewHamShow.213]1.1.32


KW6JIM 20151803025034


KW6JIM 20151803024931

:to:8 ORCA Net

:fm:6 KW6JIM

:d1:10 2015-03-17

:t1:5 1922L

:sb:58 Live ham show Every Tues night * PM central (0100 UTC Wed)

:s1:12 KW6JIM – Jim

:p3:10 Eureka, Ca

:mg:395 I have not checked out this show yet. Could be interesting!

Every Tuesday night new live ham radio show on W5KUB.COM at 8:00 PM central (0100 UTC Wed) This week Mike

Kalter W8CI from Dayton hamvention, Bharathi VU2RBI from India and and Gary Yohe AJ4GL are guests on the show.

We are looking for anyone that has interesting ham radio stories or projects to be on the show.

Forwarded by KW6JIM

[WRAP:chksum 1C3F][WRAP:end]

… end

Before RSID: <<2015-03-18T02:52Z MFSK-32 @ 1497>>

… start

[WRAP:beg][WRAP:lf][WRAP:fn wb5alm-diginet-03142015.p2s]2.0.9


K7IFG 20151803025215


WB5ALM 20151403155533

[b64:start] <p>AUxaTUEAAAPpXQAAQAAAHR0Kg6CsYkuvH0kM5HxkLgfBiFSB9Ic9VKqaS5vQDM45</p> <p>7LjrmPZZgmAJeVE59w9SnUCQvHcpj+NanSx5r2VjRTxfn5QeQg1Gu9Qmec0IMgLP</p> <p>qKNCr6JhlxAVL2SmKsHVJa3OM0hw7oeVwxwLmJqUvW5Mma7p3sZMf0C6bWQqhQua</p> <p>x5y7H96xNvvhmjGhO6MIF69N3L7TMYp+0M0Al/D86/tOfkUYjwYrR7JptUI9u2OS</p> <p>ILQ/S5Y3gFpn7mxZ+a/FpSD9HLbW8m8+Lal1F5m9CERQhWGzRvb2vriyDZYXU64j</p> <p>/L/ibhqYENPrR0DoSlq+UZ2INPLJddYmj263kDmO76X5IZ1LwklrbRevpIP0Qcjy</p> <p>4zYsVm5Cg8vrUR/d/4156PV+GWVgnu4xwDEs8rz1M81Sj6OUyEFU8PzS26g8H8Ey</p> <p>gfRYPpEbLEh0HoEXucmZ+rWw0dNgv4bOYDvisCJr0RwTr73NrB8vkmegIBUrtHuK</p> <p>IB8SUswRir15X9856xwjLTG0lk6U2w/MFstEALvfmUgYL7Qe+7hUoCHtciDFnGCA</p> <p>HP24KsGHHnaxK67gw/4VtRJitmeH3Rw13FnsEI/1bgtZANvNAuz9ACRqYqkFXcX/</p> <p>j3fCzMxU4nmVlSZRnoRBv8pftFLLPXTWm52iPApfOlfZWMj4YmqwxXoon4gHJhnx</p> <p>1jzTiuHT37oAoZrKvhpFrs50QBT6AqxCAGFbbJJJl1GFSrntp7tniXm/phaO9Yyw</p> <p>ByskXzBnUsTgcPwrdA/knbhsugssVqxxFf80uiVK2Cbv6nhsE8I5buAfjQgaLdWB</p> <p>e5xnIHKwnXAB9M6TIEwHtnHAdrHyjLBFU+NZuEFh1OgDGzXXW9tG</p> [b64:end][WRAP:chksum 4109][WRAP:end] <p>&#8230; end</p> <p>KE6NVU Please send now de K7KY k W7ZAP OK Mindy, seems Paul has dropped or can&#8217;t hear us.. ur up.. de</p> <p>K7KY k </p> <p>Before RSID: <<2015-03-18T02:56Z MFSK-32 @ 1498>></p> <p>&#8230; start</p> [WRAP:beg][WRAP:lf][WRAP:fn 17mar15.213]<flmsg>2.0.9</p> <p>:hdr_fm:21 </p> <p>W7ZAP 20151803025624</p> <p>:hdr_ed:21 </p> <p>W7ZAP 20151803024524</p> <p><ics213></p> <p>:to:16 ORCA DIGITAL NET</p> <p>:p1:22 25w 120&#8242; doublet @ 65&#8242;</p> <p>:fm:11 Mindy W7ZAP</p> <p>:p2:13 Brookings, OR</p> <p>:d1:10 2015-03-17</p> <p>:t1:5 1341L</p> <p>:sb:31 VOA Radiogram, 14-15 March 2015</p> <p>:mg:1481 </p> <p>I&#8217;ve found VOA to be an interesting resource for RXing FLDIGI transmissions and testing software features. Here&#8217;s a blurb from Kim Andrew Elliot&#8217;s email about the prior VOA transmissions&#8230;W7ZAP</p> <p>Last weekend&#8217;s tests with audio levels and the &#8220;wandering RSIDs&#8221; were not especially conclusive. I will study your reports in more detail as I read and answer your emails in the next few days.</p> <p>The VOA news item in Flmsg generally worked well.</p> <p>A few listeners, including me, tried the new AndFlmsg Android app to decode VOA Radiogram. That was also successful. See more here:</p> <p>http://voaradiogram.net/post/113349398627/decoding-voa-radiogram-on-android-devices</p> <p>I bought a RS$80 Android tablet. I never before owned a tablet or played with Android, but I was able to download the app and make it work. (I still have much to learn about tablets, Android, and the app.)</p> <p>If you have an Android device, you can download the beta version of AndFlmsg from:</p> <p>http://www.w1hkj.com/vk2eta/</p> <p>This weekend&#8217;s VOA Radiogram will include a brief Flmsg item (using plaintext form), just before the closing</p> <p>announcements and using the plaintext form. It will be interesting to see how this renders on personal</p> <p>computers using Fldigi and on Android devices using And Flmsg.</p> <p>Yes, last weekend&#8217;s transmission UTC 8 March at 0230-0300 had technical difficulties. The transmitter stayed on</p> <p>the air, but the audio input was interrupted in the beginning, so the first MFSK32 image could not be decoded. </p> [WRAP:chksum 0AE4][WRAP:end] <p>&#8230; end</p> <p>Before RSID: <<2015-03-18T02:56Z BPSK-1000 @ 1501>></p> <p>Buei nee eDeWe Sto_</p> <p>e</p> <p>x o:uanl e *e oe9t^o1hedPsRo >] aoee e o-|etR t{(</p> <p>0a nfn</p> <p>Before RSID: <<2015-03-18T02:57Z BPSK-1000 @ 1490>></p> <p>&#8230; start</p> [WRAP:beg][WRAP:lf][WRAP:fn 17mar15.213]<flmsg>2.0.9</p> <p>:hdr_fm:21 </p> <p>W7ZAP 20151803025701</p> <p>:hdr_ed:21 </p> <p>W7ZAP 20151803024524</p> <p><ics213></p> <p>:to:16 ORCA DIGITAL NET</p> <p>:p1:22 25w 120&#8242; doublet @ 65&#8242;</p> <p>:fm:11 Mindy W7ZAP</p> <p>:p2:13 Brookings, OR</p> <p>:d1:10 2015-03-17</p> <p>:t1:5 1341L</p> <p>:sb:31 VOA Radiogram, 14-15 March 2015</p> <p>:mg:1481 </p> <p>I&#8217;ve found VOA to be an interesting resource for RXing FLDIGI transmissions and testing software features.</p> <p>Here&#8217;s a blurb from Kim Andrew Elliot&#8217;s email about the prior VOA transmissions&#8230;W7ZAP</p> <p>Last weekend&#8217;s tests with audio levels and the &#8220;wandering RSIDs&#8221; were not especially conclusive. I will study</p> <p>your reports in more detail as I read and answer your emails in the next few days.</p> <p>The VOA news item in Flmsg generally worked well.</p> <p>A few listeners, including me, tried the new AndFlmsg Android app to decode VOA Radiogram. That was also successful. See more here:</p> <p>http://voaradiogram.net/post/113349398627/decoding-voa-radiogram-on-android-devices</p> <p>I bought a US$80 Android tablet. I never before owned a tablet or played with Android, but I was able to download the app and make it work. (I still have much to learn about tablets, Android, and the app.)</p> <p>If you have an Android device, you can download the beta version of AndFlmsg from:</p> <p>http://www.w1hkj.com/vk2eta/</p> <p>This weekend&#8217;s VOA Radiogram will include a brief Flmsg item (using plaintext form), just before the closing announcements and using the plaintext form. It will be interesting to see how this renders on personal computers using Fldigi and on Android devices using And Flmsg.</p> <p>Yes, last weekend&#8217;s transmission UTC 8 March at 0230-0300 had technical difficulties. The transmitter stayed on</p> <p>the air, but the audio input was interrupted in the beginning, so the first MFSK32 image could not be decoded. </p> [WRAP:chksum 2552][WRAP:end] <p>&#8230; end</p> <p>ALL ORCA de K7KY Let&#8217;s pause a moment for late check-ins&#8230; de K7KY k <STX></p> <p>&#8230; start</p> [WRAP:beg][WRAP:lf][WRAP:fn ORCA17mar15.b2s]<flmsg>2.0.9</p> <p>:hdr_fm:20 </p> <p>K7KY 20151803030055</p> <p>:hdr_ed:20 </p> <p>K7KY 20151803021528</p> <p><blankform></p> <p>:mg:369 ORCA DIGITAL NET, Reception report, comments</p> <p> Good signals from all</p> <p>WA6NBG Don T 100% +flmsg</p> <p>KA6ULG kbd</p> <p>KB6NN Howard T 100% +flmsg, tu for station info </p> <p>KW6JIM Jim T 100% +flmsg</p> <p>K7IFG Ken T 100% +flmsg</p> <p>KE6NVU Paul T NA</p> <p>W7ZAP Mindy T Oops! 100% +flmsg</p> <p>K7KY NCS </p> <p>Next, a round (or more) of observations and comments beginning with WA6NBG..</p> [WRAP:chksum 3873][WRAP:end] <p>&#8230; end</p> <p>WA6NBG Over to you Don, for final comments or observations.. de K7KY k </p> <p>Before RSID: <<2015-03-18T03:03Z MFSK-32 @ 1501>></p> <p>I decided to make my password &#8220;incorrect&#8221; because if I type it in wrong, my computer will remind me, &#8220;Your</p> <p>password is incorrect.&#8221; de KE6NVU k</p> <p>KE6NVU Paul.. Do you want to send any traffic before we go to comments? de K7KY de K7KY k</p> <p>Before RSID: <<2015-03-18T03:04Z MFSK-32 @ 1500>></p> <p>already did copied 100%</p> <p>de KE6NVU k</p> <p>KE6NVU OK I didn&#8217;t see the traffic, but may have missed it&#8230; OK Don, on to you for reception reports and</p> <p>comments&#8230; de K7KY k </p> <p>Before RSID: <<2015-03-18T03:05Z MFSK-32 @ 1500>></p> <p>&#8230; start</p> [WRAP:beg][WRAP:lf][WRAP:fn WA6NBG-10.p2s]<flmsg>1.1.32</p> <p>:hdr_fm:22 </p> <p>WA6NBG 20151803030514</p> <p>:hdr_ed:22 </p> <p>WA6NBG 20151803030514</p> <plaintext> <p>:dt:10 2015-03-17</p> <p>:tm:5 1949L</p> <p>:mg:217 Reception Report from WA6NBG</p> <p>KA6ULG 100% </p> <p>KB6NN 100% &#038; FLMSG</p> <p>KW6JIM 100% &#038; FLMSG</p> <p>K7IFG 100% &#038; FLMSG</p> <p>KE6NVU 100%</p> <p>W7ZAP 100% &#038; FLMSG</p> <p>K7KY 100% &#038; FLMSG Logo about 40% quality</p> <p>No other Comments</p> <p>de WA6NBG</p> [WRAP:chksum 8A18][WRAP:end] <p>&#8230; end</p> <p>KA6ULG Up to you Bob if you want to kbd&#8230; I may have misunderstood you at opening. If Bob, doesn&#8217;t come</p> <p>back,on to Howard and onward de K7KY k </p> <p>&#8230; start</p> [WRAP:beg][WRAP:lf][WRAP:fn KB6NN-11.b2s]<flmsg>1.1.34</p> <p>:hdr_fm:21 </p> <p>KB6NN 20151803030736</p> <p>:hdr_ed:21 </p> <p>KB6NN 20151803030536</p> <p><blankform></p> <p>:mg:531 ORCA DIGITAL NET Report from KB6NN </p> <p>WA6NBG Don T &#8211; 100% &#038; FLMSG </p> <p>KA6ULG kbd &#8211; &#8212;</p> <p>KB6NN Howard T &#8211; I did not lock on 1500 </p> <p>KW6JIM Jim T &#8211; 100% &#038; FLMSG </p> <p>K7IFG Ken T &#8211; 100% &#038; FLMSG &#8211; presume it was compressed, the text was in code, did not see his call anywhere,</p> <p>not even on flmsg message </p> <p>KE6NVU Paul T &#8211; &#8212; OK after all else and funny joke&#8230; </p> <p>W7ZAP Mindy T &#8211; BPSK 1000 &#8211; hmmm &#8211; saw it flit by, nice to see that txid worked for my rxid .. the message</p> <p>after 100% &#038; FLMSG ALSO 100% </p> <p>K7KY NCS &#8211; 100% &#038; FLMSG </p> <p>TNX DE KB6NN </p> [WRAP:chksum BBC9][WRAP:end] <p>&#8230; end</p> <p>KW6JIM OK JIm&#8230; I think I havent&#8217; been easy to read tonight&#8230; After Jim we can just continue along w/o prompting as we did with traffic&#8230; de K7KY k</p> <p>Good net. I like the idea of the roundtable message sending (with prompting as needed)</p> <p>WA6NBG Don T 100% + FlMsg </p> <p>KA6ULG kbd 100%</p> <p>KB6NN Howard T 100% + FlMsg</p> <p>KW6JIM Jim T Me!</p> <p>K7IFG Ken T 100% + FlMsg</p> <p>KE6NVU Paul T 100%</p> <p>W7ZAP Mindy T 100% + FlMsg &#8211; Thanks for the great info! I&#8217;m gonna get that app!</p> <p>K7KY NCS 100% + FlMsg</p> <p>Sorry&#8230; I just locked up and had to reboot.</p> <p>de KW6JIM </p> <p>Before RSID: <<2015-03-18T03:11Z MFSK-32 @ 1505>></p> <p>***</p> <p>ORCA de K7IFG Good evening to all. Copy was good all stations. Mindy&#8217;s BPSK-1000 even came through with just</p> <p>a few errors. The Solar flare must have been a good one. I was barely able to hear the NCS on the 80 meter</p> <p>Noontime NET. The sky is overcast here so probably won&#8217;t see anything but will go out and take a peek. </p> <p>73 de K7IFG =ar-</p> <p>KE6NVU Ur Up Paul.. de K7KY k </p> <p>Before RSID: <<2015-03-18T03:12Z MFSK-32 @ 1500>></p> <p>W7ZAP copied the following stations:</p> <p>K7KY 100% copy + FLMSG (signal 60+)</p> <p>WA6NBG 100% copy + FLMSG (signal 10+)</p> <p>KA6ULG no TX &#8211; monitor only</p> <p>KB6NN 100% copy + FLMSG (signal 10+)</p> <p>KW6JIM 100% copy + FLMSG (signal 30+)</p> <p>K7IFG 100% copy + FLMSG (signal 20+)</p> <p>KE6NVU no TX in rotation &#8211; TX 100% copy</p> <p>Whoa!! My apologies for the BPSK TX&#8230; at least it was fast! Somehow saved my message in wrong mode. Copied all</p> <p>very well tonight. </p> <p>73,</p> <p>Mindy W7ZAP</p> <p>ALL ORCA OK Does anyone want to make another comment, ask questions, or resend traffic, please come now. de</p> <p>K7KY k </p> <p> KR5RR </p> <p>KR5RR de K7KY Hello JB We&#8217;re close to the end. Glad you could make it. Howard is about to take the</p> <p>kbd and I&#8217;ll add you (JB) to the end&#8230; OK Howard&#8230; de K7KY k </p> <p>Before RSID: <<2015-03-18T03:16Z MFSK-32 @ 1500>></p> <p>Looks like strongest station captures the signal just like in fm&#8230; Did anyone besides me forget to set TX Lk</p> <p>to 1500?</p> <p>de KB6NN k</p> <p>ALL ORCA Any comments for Howard?? de K7KY k KR5RR de K7KY JB do you want to send a message or kbd tonight? </p> <p>de K7KY k </p> <p>K7KY &#038; net</p> <p>GE, Just got in from GKids baseball game,</p> <p>Thanks for letting me in</p> <p>No message.</p> <p>Just a hello and I will copy whats printed.</p> <p>Thanks de JB, jr5rr</p> <p>k </p> <p>KR5RR de K7KY OK JB good to see you.. Is there anything further for the net? de K7KY k </p> <p>ALL ORCA I think the nets are working very well and we&#8217;re doing OK on one freq. If you have any features or</p> <p>modes you would like to experiment with, bring it up on the net or email me. We&#8217;re humming along pretty</p> <p>smoothly these days and should have enough attention and skills to begin working with other modes&#8230; de K7KY</p> <p>k <MODE:MFSK32>ORCA DIGITAL NET de K7KY</p> <p>This concludes the ORCA DIGITAL NET</p> <p> 3/18/2015 03:21Z </p> <p>All stations are welcome to remain on frequency to qso, explore, and experiment</p> <p>Thank you for taking part in the net tonight.. We appreciate your participation..</p> <p>de Doug K7KY NCS </p> <p>k7ky de kr5rr</p> <p>Doug I notice most everyone has the ID turned off.</p> <p>Is that the idea ?</p> <p>100% +flmsgKR5RR de K7KY Yes&#8230; Just a moment Howard&#8230; JB we use the callsign for check-in and</p> <p>then turn it off to save a bit of time during rotation&#8230; Not a big deal, you see other staions leave it ontoo. </p> <p>Go ahead Howard&#8230; de K7KY k </p> <p>Before RSID: <<2015-03-18T03:23Z MFSK-32 @ 1500>></p> <p>alling you on two meters&#8230; </p> <p>de KB6NN k</p> <p> KB6NN Thanks Howard,,, Mindy is looking for him now.. tu de K7KY k </p> <p> R R ;-))</p> <p>Doug, could send me the macro that used video for the Hello ID?</p> <p>kr5rrk</p> <p>nKR5RR de K7KY JB I&#8217;ll point you to the download at our website by email&#8230; 73 de K7KY k * s</p> <p>R R </p> <p>dit ditx O THE NET CONTROL ON THIS FREQUENCY YOU ARE WIPING OUT OUR NETS AT 20:00 HOURS AT 3900 mhZ ,,, kg7za</p> <p>TO THE NET CONTROL ON THIS FREQUENCY YOU ARE WIPING OUT OUR NETS AT 20:00 HOURS AT 3900 mhZ ,,, kg7za sORRY</p> <p>3599 mhz</p> <p>KG7ZA de W7ZAP</p> <p>The ORCA DIGITAL NET is finished. We shouldn&#8217;t be a problem now.</p> <p>73,</p> <p> de W7ZAP K</p> </div> <!-- END .left-side --> </div> <!-- END .content-without-middle --> </div> <!-- BEGIN .content-without-middle --> <div class="content-without-middle"> <!-- BEGIN .left-side --> <div class="left-side the-article-content" style="width:660px;"> <!-- END .left-side --> </div> <!-- END .content-without-middle --> </div> <!-- BEGIN .content-without-middle --> <div class="content-without-middle"> <!-- BEGIN .full-left-box --> <div class="full-left-box"> <h2 class="thetitle font-replace" style="border-top:5px solid FF0000;color:FF0000;">Net Reports</h2> <div class="title-top"> <a href="http://orcadigitalnet.com/category/net-reports/">view all articles in this category</a> </div> <div class="category-block"> <div class="category-right-block"> <div class="article-photo"> <a href="http://orcadigitalnet.com/19-dec-23-report/"><img 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synved-content-scrollable" id="synved-tabs-1"><ul class="ui-tabs-nav ui-helper-clearfix ui-helper-reset ui-widget-header ui-corner-all"><li class="tab-title ui-corner-top ui-tabs-selected ui-tabs-active ui-state-active synved-tab-title-info"><a title="" href="#synved-tabs-1-0">Info</a></li><li class="tab-title ui-corner-top ui-state-default synved-tab-title-schedule"><a title="" href="#synved-tabs-1-1">Schedule</a></li></ul><div class="tab-body ui-tabs-panel ui-widget-content ui-corner-bottom synved-tab-title-info" id="synved-tabs-1-0"> <center> <img src="http://orcadigitalnet.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/FEMA_logo.jpg"></center><br> FEMA Region X Monthly Interoperability NET, which comprises <b>Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, Washington</b>, conducts a monthly interoperability communications exercise on the 60-meter band. This exercise often includes a voice portion and a digital portion. <br> <br>FEMA Region X uses the call sign of WGY910. The COMMEX occurs on the third Wednesday of the month from 1730 to 1900Z. Primary check-in is usually on 60-meter channel 1. </div><div class="tab-body ui-tabs-panel ui-widget-content ui-corner-bottom synved-tab-title-schedule" id="synved-tabs-1-1"> <center><h3>FEMA Region X Monthly Interoperability NET</h3></center> <div class="su-table su-table-alternate"> <table class="table-bordered"> <tbody> <tr> <td style="text-align: center">3rd Wednesday 1730Z - 1900Z</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align: center"> Channel 1: 5330.5 kHz<br> Channel 2: 5346.5 kHz<br> Channel 3: 5357.0 kHz<br> Channel 4: 5371.5 kHz<br> Channel 5: 5403.5 kHz</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <table class="table-bordered"> <tbody> <tr> <td>1730Z</td> <td>Open net, delay check-ins<br> 60M - CH1</td> </tr> <tr> <td>1735Z</td> <td>NCS sends 1st dig msg<br> 60M - BPSK31 - CH 2</td> </tr> <tr> <td>1740Z</td> <td>NCS repeats 1st dig msg using alt mode<br> 60M - MT63-2KL CH2</td> </tr> <tr> <td>1745Z</td> <td>NCS calls for check-ins and reports<br> 60M - CH1</td> </tr> <tr> <td>1815Z</td> <td>NCS TX 2nd digital msg<br> 60M - BPSK31 - CH 2</td> </tr> <tr> <td>1825Z</td> <td>NCS reTX 2nd dig msg using alt mode<br> 60M - MT63-2KL - CH 2</td> </tr> <tr> <td>1827Z</td> <td>NCS calls for reports<br> 60M - CH 1</td> </tr> <tr> <td>1850Z</td> <td>NCS closes the net<br> 60M - CH 1</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <br> <span class="wtb-ew-v1" style="width: 204px"><i><a href="https://www.worldtimebuddy.com/">World Clock</a></i><a href="https://www.worldtimebuddy.com/">World Clock</a>window[wtb_event_widgets.pop()].init()</span> </div> </div></div></div></div></div><div class="widget_text widget-8 last panel"><div class="textwidget custom-html-widget"><center><h3>SHORTWAVE RADIOGRAM</h3></center> <div class="snvdshc"><div class="synved-tab-list synved-tab-list-nojs ui-tabs ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all synved-content-scrollable" id="synved-tabs-2"><ul class="ui-tabs-nav ui-helper-clearfix ui-helper-reset ui-widget-header ui-corner-all"><li class="tab-title ui-corner-top ui-tabs-selected ui-tabs-active ui-state-active synved-tab-title-info"><a title="" href="#synved-tabs-2-0">Info</a></li><li class="tab-title ui-corner-top ui-state-default synved-tab-title-schedule"><a title="" href="#synved-tabs-2-1">Schedule</a></li></ul><div class="tab-body ui-tabs-panel ui-widget-content ui-corner-bottom synved-tab-title-info" id="synved-tabs-2-0"> <a href="http://swradiogram.net/" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="http://orcadigitalnet.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/shortwave_radiogram_logo.png" /></a> Shortwave Radiogram transmits digital text and images on an analog shortwave broadcast transmitter. The program is produced and presented by Dr. Kim Andrew Elliott KD9XB. Shortwave Radiogram continues VOA Radiogram's tradition testing new modes and is an interesting source for Digital Ops wishing to practice more with FLDIGI &amp; FLAMP. </div><div class="tab-body ui-tabs-panel ui-widget-content ui-corner-bottom synved-tab-title-schedule" id="synved-tabs-2-1"> &nbsp; <center><h3>Shortwave Radiogram Transmission Schedule (AM)</h3></center> <div class="su-table su-table-alternate"> <table> <tbody> <tr> <td style="text-align: center">Fri 2030-2100 UTC<br> 7780 kHz<br> 9455 kHz<br> WRMI Florida</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align: center">Sat 1600-1630 UTC<br> 9400 kHz<br> Space Line, Bulgaria</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align: center">Sun 2330-2400 UTC<br> 7780 kHz<br> WRMI Florida</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align: center">Mon 0800-0830 UTC<br> 7730 kHz<br> 5850 kHz<br> WRMI Florida</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <center> <br> <span class="wtb-ew-v1" style="width: 204px; display:inline-block"><script src="https://www.worldtimebuddy.com/clock_widget.js?h=0&bc=00A2E8&cn=&wt=c1"></script><i><a href="https://www.worldtimebuddy.com/">World Clock</a></i><noscript><a href="https://www.worldtimebuddy.com/">World Clock</a></noscript><script>window[wtb_event_widgets.pop()].init()</script></span> </center> </div></div></div></div></div> <!-- END .content-box-sidebar --> </div> <!-- END .content-box --> </div> <!-- END .wrapper --> </div> <!-- BEGIN .content --> </div> <!-- BEGIN .footer --> <div class="footer"> <!-- BEGIN .wrapper --> <div class="wrapper"> <div class="footer-content"> <div class="footer-block"> <div class="relative-block"> </div> </div> <div class="footer-block"> <div class="relative-block"> <h2 class="footer-title font-replace">Contact ORCA DIGITAL NET</h2> <div class="footer-contact-form"> <p> </p> </div> <div class="footer-bottom"> <span class="contact-msg"><span class="icon-text">&#128222;</span> </span> <a href="mailto:ncs@orcadigitalnet.com" class="contact-msg"><span 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